Just scored a bargain! Audiolab 8000s for £100!

7 Oct 2003

Something bizarre happened yesterday. I was out bouldering at Grinshill near Shawbury with a guy I've met a few times. Pretty good session - plenty of problems done and nearly managed a Font 7a I've been trying for a while. The conversation got round to hi-fi as I mentioned I'd just bought some new speakers. It turns out he's recently upgraded too and hadn't yet gotten around flogging his old kit.

One part of that old kit turned out to be an 8000s. I gave him some info on the problem that he was trying and he offered the amp to me for a ton!

Suffice to say I'm pretty chuffed as I've been intrigued about the 's' ever since I bought an 'a' a few months ago. It's an E serial number and is in perfect condition.

So, do I now flog the 8000a or is it worth bi-amping the 'a' and the 's' together? Will the 8000a be good enough for this or am I better off just sticking with the new amp?

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well done, you got yourself a bargain there.

I would say just sell the older model, you should pretty much get what your new one cost you as well :)

The A is a little long in the tooth now and using it to bi-amp may give you some benifits (depending on what speakers your using it with) but I would say the overall sound wont be as cohesive.

why dont you just give it a go, you have all the stuff sat there so hook it up :)
EVH said:
I've got the 8000Q, but congrats on a nice find! :)

Same here with Q.
Excellent price for the S, almost giveaway prices. He could have got much more for that, seem to say around £200-£250 mark.
Dont try bi amping with the S and the A, The S has a better preamp (although it lacks the flexibility of tone controls, its a better quality part), and the power amps have been revised too.

The 'S' is a pretty nice kit, the preamp is derived from the Q' although obviously its not as good as the 'Q'.

If you want to try bi'amping the best option is to try and find either an 8000SX, or even better.. an 8000P. The combination of an 8000S and an 8000P is good. (I used to run the P on the bass as its more powerfull)
Thanks for the replies folks.

Well I finally got an opportunity to set the S up this lunchtime and left it running some tunes all afternoon to warm-up.

Crickey. The difference between the S and the A is marked. I thought the A was good but the S really is in a different league altogether! The RS6s really sing now. Every aspect of the performance has been enhanced - bass is more resolved, mids and highs have far better definition and the entire ensemble just seems to hang together with a far deeper sense of purpose than the A could muster. The A was a nice little amp but I really can't see myself using it now as a preamp.

Right, no doubt after a few weeks I'll be looking about for a P to pair the S to!


yup the S is a big upgrade over the A, it can also be used in a HT system. Now to look around for a 8000DAX. :p I've got the Tag Mclaren DAC20 paid £350 for it, brand new from Tag :)
only using that dvd player for cds :o or is it hooked up to a DAC ?

god i love the look of audiolab kit, looks like a spastic designed it, so simple :D
adfinni said:
only using that dvd player for cds :o or is it hooked up to a DAC ?

god i love the look of audiolab kit, looks like a spastic designed it, so simple :D

If you like that, check out Densen.
adfinni said:
only using that dvd player for cds :o or is it hooked up to a DAC ?

god i love the look of audiolab kit, looks like a spastic designed it, so simple :D
I've got an Arcam cd72 but that's still in storage and I haven't had chance to get hooked up again yet.
Elzar said:
If you like that, check out Densen.

OMG that is THE SEX !!!!! :eek:

The chassis for each different part looks like a billet of aluminium which seriously impressed me, but they state it's extruded. Don't understand how they did that and im a materials and manufacturing engineering student. lol


I've got an Arcam cd72 but that's still in storage and I haven't had chance to get hooked up again yet.

Should sound far superior to the sony, lucky boy :D
Corasik said:
Dont try bi amping with the S and the A, The S has a better preamp (although it lacks the flexibility of tone controls, its a better quality part), and the power amps have been revised too.

The 'S' is a pretty nice kit, the preamp is derived from the Q' although obviously its not as good as the 'Q'.

If you want to try bi'amping the best option is to try and find either an 8000SX, or even better.. an 8000P. The combination of an 8000S and an 8000P is good. (I used to run the P on the bass as its more powerfull)
I was thinking that the S had been completely revised over and above the A but during an email conversation with one of the chaps from The Audiocellar (a well respected Audiolab and TAG repair specialist) it was let on that "the power section of the 8000A and 8000S are identical". He recommended that I get the internal links that connect the pre and power amp section of the 8000a disconnected. As a result I will be able to use the S in "pre-power" mode to run the HF and connect the 8000a via the preout to run the LF:

"To bi-amp, use one amp as an integrated, and the other as a power amp. This can be either way round, but with the S this is selectable with the front switch, and with the A you need to make your mind up before repositioning internal links which involves soldering.

In which case, source input goes into eitheR A or S, that amp acts as the pre-amp and HF amp, then you run a pre-out to power-in connection to whichever amps you have running purely as a power amp. It can be done either way around!

Once split as a pre-power, an 8000A can only be used as an integrated if the internal links are resoldered in the original position, or also if it is linked externally with and RCA phono lead (i.e connect pre-out to power in)."

So, it looks like the 8000s and 8000a can be usefully used together, at least until I can track down an 8000p
They can!

I used a pair of 8000A's for a while, before swapping one for a P. (Looking to swap the other for an S if the price is right, you lucky sod!). The reason the S sounds better than the A is because the pre-amp is much improved. If you look at the inside of the 8000A the signal from the phono sockets to the pre-amp is carried by what looks like an IDE lead, ugh!


So much for using pricey interconnects! :)

The internal mod is very simple, it basically involves moving a couple of resistors. Bi-amping in this way will make a huge difference so it is definately worth a go. Put the 'bass' amp ontop if you plan to stack them like that though, it will get considerably hotter.


You disconnect this resistor and use one of the same type to connect the 'pre-amp in' phono sockets to the power section. That's about it!
Also, whilst the power sections are the same, I think the PSU is better in the S, which will make a difference. For that reason, I'd think about using the S for the mid/low frequencies and the A for the top.
Thanks for the comments Ste. The 8000a is currently with the guys at The Audioceller having the phono connectors repaired, as well as a general 'service' and the pre-power sections separated.

I couldn't believe my luck getting the 8000s so cheap. Nice tip about using the S for the LF and the A for the HF. I'll definately give that a try once I get the 8000a back.
Ste said:
Looking to swap the other for an S if the price is right, you lucky sod!
Whilst most fetch over £200 still (especially for E and F serial numbers), I've seen a couple go for c. £150 recently. Keep searching as they pop up pretty regularly.

I've yet to see a P go for sub £250 though.
I found Audiolab to be a slippery slope... Started out with an 8000S, added a P, then moved to a pair of P's still using the S as the preamp.

Got into home cinema, so replaced the S with a Tag AV32R, added 2 M's to drive my fronts, used 1P for the Centre, and 1P for the surrounds.

The AV32R sounds even better than the S as a 'pure digital' preamp for CD's, infact it sounds just as good as a Q/DAC combo, and extends the Audiolab sound flawlessly to Home Cinema :).

Ok, I know Audiolab's analytical sound isnt to everyones cup of tea, but I love mine just as much as the first day I bought the 8000S.
Well I've just got the 8000a back from the Audio Cellar. Top job - the amp was serviced and had the pre and power mod done. I linked both the 8000s and 8000a together with the 8000s acting in pre-power mode to drive the LF. The 8000a works purely as a 60w power amp and is now driving the HF.

I left them playing for an hour so and have just sat down for a listen....

Bloody Hell! What a difference! The 8000s produces such sweet bass now it's only got that to do and the RS6's are really singing. HF sounds superb on the 8000a as well.

If anyone were ever considering bi amping then my advice is DO IT! You won't regret it!
Yes mate it is however I'm a little concerned that there's quite a loud pop/spike whenever I change either the source on the 8000s or use the remote to put the 8000s on mute. I've no idea why this is happening but evidently the pre stage on the 8000s is causing it and the 8000a doesn't appear to like it! It happens even if the 8000a is turned off. I've emailed the guys at The Audio Cellar for their ideas on why it's happening but does anyone here have a suggestions?

Obviously I want to be able to change input and use the remote mute but not at the cost of damaging the 8000a or (more importantly) the Monitor Audios!
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