I have this stuck in my brain. Now it's your turn.
Ever watch Dogtanian?
One for all and all for one, Muskerhounds are always ready.
One for all and all for one, helping everybody....
Woof-woof-woof WOOF! Woof-woof-woof...
A proven way to get rid of an annoying song is to hear it all the way through... But I can't find a copy, arrgrghhnnnnn.. /me gnaws off own hand
Ever watch Dogtanian?
One for all and all for one, Muskerhounds are always ready.
One for all and all for one, helping everybody....
Woof-woof-woof WOOF! Woof-woof-woof...
A proven way to get rid of an annoying song is to hear it all the way through... But I can't find a copy, arrgrghhnnnnn.. /me gnaws off own hand