Just to irritate anyone else who is clock-watching...

21 Apr 2003
I have this stuck in my brain. Now it's your turn.

Ever watch Dogtanian?

One for all and all for one, Muskerhounds are always ready.
One for all and all for one, helping everybody....

Woof-woof-woof WOOF! Woof-woof-woof...

A proven way to get rid of an annoying song is to hear it all the way through... But I can't find a copy, arrgrghhnnnnn.. /me gnaws off own hand
sara said:
I have this stuck in my brain. Now it's your turn.

Ever watch Dogtanian?

One for all and all for one, Muskerhounds are always ready.
One for all and all for one, helping everybody....

Woof-woof-woof WOOF! Woof-woof-woof...

A proven way to get rid of an annoying song is to hear it all the way through... But I can't find a copy, arrgrghhnnnnn.. /me gnaws off own hand

Greenlizard0 said:
I mean say two are the same height, how when his photos are put in an album can tell who they are?

dude WTF are you on about, the one on the left is hot but one next to her looks like the back end of a bus!

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The one in the middle has a Rook coming out of her head and its pecking the block in the dish dash. (yes im laughing whilst typing)
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