Just watched Irreversible

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
I thought this film was outstanding. The content was absolutely disgusting, but the technique and cinematography helped convey it in a truly disturbing manner. The scene involving Alex in the tunnel was so horrible I admit I fast forwarded it. Many would argue this is a negative thing, but I'd say the opposite. The film obviously set out to repulse, offend and surprise, and it succeeded. Technically it was unique and I've never seen anything quite like it. The camera never changes throughout the entire film, as if the audience are participating in the film, and it adds to the deranged atmosphere and mood of the film.

Any self-respecting film fan should really see this. With what you hear on the news nowadays, I don't think it's as disturbing as it could have been and even the feint-hearted might be able to leave without being mentally scared :D

What did you guys think?
benneh said:
Why on earth would you fast forward the *Spolier*?. It's the scene that justifies the entire series of nightclub events. Seems a bit mad to me.
I thought it was great. The first time I saw it (2002) it really repulsed me, but that wasn't a bad thing. I think if a film has the power to make you feel anywhere near as raw and disjointed as this film does then it needs to be watched. It's a real kick in the teeth the first time (so long as you don't fast forward it like a big girl :p ).

I watched most of it, but it did get a bit unpleasant after a while. I also saw the bit at the end where he smashed her face.

I completely agree with you though, it does deserve to be watched. It's far to say that this sort of thing does happen and this film shows the danger in walking home alone at night.
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