k700i battery - POO!

29 Jun 2004
Does anyone else have the same problem as me? I often find I have to recharge my k700i every day! I hate this, I absolutely do. And the kind of usage I do is normal sending and recieving calls and text messages.
And the odd occasion of listening to some songs on loudspeaker.

Also, the battery indication is pants. At one time it may say more than half of battery life is left, then after 3 minutes of usage it drains quickly and it's on it's last bloody bit of battery left! :mad:

Grrr, i'm tempted to take my brother's offer.
(He's basically giving me the n70 for free but I can't be arsed to swap over and change the settings etc :p)
I don't know about the k700 but SE phones have always been really good for me. My k750 lasted 9 days while on holiday with on and off use and the screen brightness down.

As it's an older phone it's possible the battery just isn't as good as it once was. Also I find my battery goes down very very quickly if it's in a place with poor reception, my work and my house are terrible so 80% of the time my phone is working overtime trying to get a signal :rolleyes:
i know 2 people with this phone, close freinds of mine, and the trouble they have is with dodgy joysticks, the battery life is very good by all accounts
Have you got the latest firmware on it? I used to have a K700i and suffered exactly the same problem. Flashed to the latest firmware and it improved things a lot - still not uber battery life, but I'd get about 3 days to a charge.

Also - make sure you've got the setting which switches the screen to the black-on-grey clock when the keypad is locked, don't use a wallpaper (go for a blank screen) - those both help.
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