k800i on t-mobile

I phones them yesterday and apparently "it's in testing at the warehouses" so as soon as that's done it will be released. I'm getting well annoyed having to wait as I cancelled my orange contract (due to finish on the 3rd Aug) so I wanna get this sorted ASAP god nam it. lol

Either way, it'll be out very soon.
cant say i saw the k800i in the Q3 list of phones!
ill be logging into work at some point tomorrow im sure (damn on call!!) so will see what i can find :]
Well that was what i was told by the person at t-mobile. Such a major phone wouldn't be missed out I don't think. It's probably the fact they stick there own software on it. Maybe, they're just really behind on testing that thoroughly.
K800i is now available on T-Mobile. Came in stock this morning.

Ordered mine. Coming tomorrow

Phone was free on Flext 20 + Web 'n' Walk for me. ;)
My Flext 20 + W'n'W is gonna cost me £13.75 per month.

Was paying twice that on Orange so it seems our roles have reversed

Before you ask a friend works at T-Mobile so I can claim a discount through them

Westyfield2 said:
Could be a Friend of a Friend...

That's a seriously good deal tho, I bet loads of people would sign up @ that price.

It is a good deal, but without trying to sound jealous (:p) its not as much of a fair comparison because no everyone works for or who has friends who work for t-mobile.

I wanna work for t-mobile :(

Got mine through this morning at about 8 oclock. I'm really happy with it, although the huge t-mobile badge above the joystick is a bit much.

working on an ocuk theme as theyre no decent themes out at the mo. Will post it when its done :)
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