K8N Neo2 (MS-7025) Help

1 Jan 2004
Walsall (UK)
Ok hi all, right im after a part that i miss placed like an idiot for my (K8N Neo2) - (MS-7025) mobo, the item ive been told is called (faceplate or motherboard back plate or even a I/O shield) and fits in the tower and then motherboard against this plate, but anyway ive lost it and need another asap, and was wondering can anyone tell me were i might get one from or does anyone have a spare, i dont mind paying depending how much you want, but i have emailed MSI but i havnt had any feedback, so im crossing my fingers and everythink else that some kind person can help cheers. :confused:
Yeah, some one said this very thing some time ago, and suggested asking MSI, and I alos needed one too!

I did, they did, I was happy.

I also needed a new Mobo, CPU, TFT, 4GB RAM and a 500GB Sata HD, but they told me to (BLEEEP)!!!!!! - Cant think why?
See post.

If you was really worried about the dust, I'm sure you could make something up.

<Feels a Blue Peter moment coming on.
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