Keeping photos

3. I delete the photos that are absolutely awful and totally unusable but I keep most of them just because I have the space and often they bring back memories for me, even if they're not technically great photos and I'll never upload them anywhere. Might have to start reconsidering that as I'm fast running out of hard drive space.
When I first go through a set of photos in Aperture, I use the 'X' feature to mark any that are out of focus/bad/clearly need deleting, I can then delete them all when I'm finished on the project. I sometimes find that I have photos though that I can't use, because they are slightly out of focus or whatever, but I find myself keeping them anyway. Just one of those things I guess.

When space gets a bit more of an issue for me, I might think otherwise.
I delete the OOF and grossly under/overexposed, but keep the rest though not all of the remainder make it into my Lightroom catalogue.

Regards Simon
I used to keep most with the D80 as it worked out about 500 pics to the GB, now I've got the 550D however I'm getting 500 pics to about 16Gb so currently seeking a new HDD lol
Currently (you could say slowly but I prefer to say patiently) going through mine but probably not as ruthlessly as I should so #3 for me.
space is not an issue for me, but I have more recently started rejecting in lightroom and deleting pictures that I don't want.

probably about 50/50 for me
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