LCD TV floor stand - any ideas?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Since it looks like i'll soon have an LG 32LX2R, I need a stand for it to sit on.

Looking for something glass, but quite dark, so preferably black framed.
I'll need room for DVD + Xbox 360, so 2 shelves will probably be enough, maybe 3.

The one thing I would like is a shallow profile. I don't have much room in my bedroom, so I don't want a stand that's 3 feet deep. Something not much deeper than your average dvd player would be good!

Ta :)
I'm planning on putting the LG 32LX2R in my bedroom, along with the dvd player and Xbox 360. I was thinking of putting it just past the end of the bed, which has a height of 65cm. And just estimating i'd like the top of the TV to be at a height of around 135cm.

Now the TV (with stand) is around 61cm tall. So I need an AV-stand that is around 70-75cm tall. Most i've seen seem to be around 50cm tall. So is there a solution to this?

I'd like to spend around £150, but would spend more if it was nice! Looking at something to match the TV, so dark glass / black frame would be nice!
Wall mounting isn't an option unfortunately, and the shelves that Argos sell are too low..
Need something at least 65cm tall really!

I'm re-thinking the situation atm, as I might put my PC in the bedroom too, thus it would probably go on a desk of some kind.
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