Samsung LE40M87BD vs Sony KDL 40W2000
As the title says I'm looking for a new telly 40 inch needs to be able to handle 1080p i'll be used on an Xbox360 + PC and for telly + DVDs, and at some point blueray.
So does anyone have any experience of either, I could only find 1 thread mentioning the Sony think it was by Asgard and he swapped it for a Sammy.
Both can be had for about £1000 but who thinks which is better and why ?
Also the latest version on Waht Lcd + Plasma is crap the pricing is totally out and thus it confuses you even more.
At the min i'm more tempted by the Sony.
As the title says I'm looking for a new telly 40 inch needs to be able to handle 1080p i'll be used on an Xbox360 + PC and for telly + DVDs, and at some point blueray.
So does anyone have any experience of either, I could only find 1 thread mentioning the Sony think it was by Asgard and he swapped it for a Sammy.
Both can be had for about £1000 but who thinks which is better and why ?
Also the latest version on Waht Lcd + Plasma is crap the pricing is totally out and thus it confuses you even more.
At the min i'm more tempted by the Sony.