*** League of Legends ***


So... It turns out AP Alistar is OP now :D

Man, our team comp was SO good for those games. I'd forgotten how good it was to play Taric in a competent team :D
Vayne still is my champ of choice. I kind of suck with her though, I struggle so much. I might make the camera auto follow as I think that may be one of the issues. She is so squeshy though. Don't really know who else to play. Debating buying 3500 riot points and buying the other 20 champ pack I don't have.
I'm guessing you mean an aoe team or similar rather than a competent team :)

No tals, not at all. We just fielded a decent team comp (Alistar solo top, Taric/Caitlyn bot, WW jungle and AP middle, which was Vlad for the most part last night) and stomped. As you can see by my stats, AP Alistar is one of the strongest things I've played in this game in a long time, it just feels wrong. I'm glad they have nerfed it a bit because it was stupidly OP :D

And Deiwos, it's a couple hundred off my combo. Which is a pretty decent nerf.
Sadly (or fortunately in mcknights Alistair case :p) none of those nerfs (particularly Vayne) are big enough in my opinion.

And I would go so far as to say the Irelia nerf isn't even a nerf if the changes to Trancendant Blades are positive (will have to check later). Bladesurge is only there as a closer and farming tool, it's damage is irrelevant.
Vayne still is my champ of choice. I kind of suck with her though, I struggle so much. I might make the camera auto follow as I think that may be one of the issues. She is so squeshy though. Don't really know who else to play. Debating buying 3500 riot points and buying the other 20 champ pack I don't have.

As ranged AD carries go I prefer Caitlyn or Ashe over Vayne. I feel like they bring more to a team than Vayne, although in random 5v5 I can see why Vayne is better as she's easier to get fed early.

That being said I love Corki as he's so good at farming but there's definitely a higher skill level required to play Corki well than there is to play say Caitlyn or Ashe.
And I would go so far as to say the Irelia nerf isn't even a nerf if the changes to Trancendant Blades are positive (will have to check later). Bladesurge is only there as a closer and farming tool, it's damage is irrelevant.

Hey Torq welcome into our humble abode :) Good to have you amongst the over clockers.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi to McKnight.

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how much I try and follow good common sense during the game and good teamwork I will always be terrible at the game.

I stay behind the tank or the tankiest member, I don't over extend and try to be there when team fights erupt to support my team. I don't try to solo an entire a team and try to be as useful as possible to the team.

Yet more often than not I die a lot and by a lot it looks like I am intentionally feeding but that's my gameplay meaning I am really bad.

I really love League of Legends for the teamwork component but like all other games if the teamwork is good it's pays it rewards and when it bad you just don't want to play.

Take the other night for example. I was in the Runeterra channel the other night that McKnight was in and played a game with a bunch of them. 5 man premade. All of them besides me had decent ELO rating of between 1450-1600 so that mean they would carry me and I should be fine. Not so I found. The enemy team had also the same kind of ELO rating due to matchmaking.

I found the game extremely tough and was out of my depth. As much as the team tried to help me and protect me I kept getting singled out which was to be expected as I was playing the carry. But I play extremely defensive style of gameplay and while it could be said you need to be aggressive while playing a carry I play the same way no matter what champion I play whether it a tank/support/mage.

For quite a while I was like on 2/7 and I think the only reason why I didn't get a lot of hate was because at one point I managed to save our olaf from dying and in the last teamfight I got a triple kill but that was more to luck than ability as I was auto attacking and there were no minions around so the auto attack just switched to attacking the next enemy champion.

I would like to say I have been only playing a shot while but the truth is I have been playing a long time and while other people seem to progress and slowly/fast improve I don't seem to.

I was wondering if there are any ocuk'ers who play LoL and find it hard if they would like to form a 'noob' squad and try getting some games in with similarly level enemy opponents instead of facing fairly high elo players and getting steamrolled.
I love your post :) I'm pretty much in the same boat - although I have the advantage of having played the game for 18 months so my irritation is if I do something wrong I actually know I have so advice isn't quite as welcome as it used to be :) Item advice is another matter - that is always very welcome :)

A noob team isn't going to work unfortunately, for one the elo gets skewed by premades - in truth it doesn't really handle peremade teams well. Which is pretty much why the gameplay goes up as soon as you go into a premade team. Also you want to win by it's nature a noob team of level 30's is just an average team so you're loose more often than not and no one plays to lose.

However you will find certain players you will play better with (or if not with you'll enjoy playing more with). I'm pretty much easy playing with any player but I have my exceptions and as i've stated I don't mind item advice but insessant strategy talk or moaning turns me right off - i've come in to play the game to relax after a hard day not to get even more stressed :) If you stick around mumble you will find it gets better - most of the longer term players you'll find play as much for the community as the game now - it's a very good social game tbh.

Also one of the tricks on the game is understanding when to be aggressive and when to dive in and when to back away. Too defensive as the carry then you're not be helping the team - too aggressive and you die. Though as a 30 i'm sure you get that part :)

You may also find gametime fits in - I tend to play late (family life and all), others play early or even later so that will be pretty critical who you get matched with. But don't take it to heart and don't get despondent - some weeks the games can just be bad one after the other, others it is incredible.

We joined up with Ch4 last night with Kar - my god Kar was on fire. First game was one of the most enjoyable turn arounds. Had 2 of our inihibs down but the team fights were going our way and Kar's shaco was massacring them - good game :)
Servers are up again...hmmm maybe a bit premature, up for patching but don't look up :(

** OK it's really up now :)
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Thanks Tals for words of encouragement.

I was playing ashe and I went more or less the standard ashe build. Dorans blade>lvl1 boots>rushed infinity edge>lvl 2 boots>brutaliser>emblem of valour>yommuu>starks fervour. was about to build banshee veil but everytime a team fight started I was stun locked so banshees wouldn't made a difference I feel, so I build a last whisper. My thinking behind it was they will stun lock any chance I got so the time I wasn't being stun locked I wanted to do as much damage as possible before i died.

It didn't help they probably had two of the very best late game champions if not THE best in the shape of Jax and Nasus.

Funny enough I don't really get wound up in the game. I never lose my temper if ever and don't get involved in the trash talk that often occurs before/during/after games. A lot of people like to do it but I am not one of them. Maybe because I am a lot older than the avg aged League of Legends player. The young pups have the manual dexterity, co-ordination and reflexes to hit the buttons at the right times but this old dog has enough trouble making it to the toilet let alone do a flash burst combo while cleansing through the cc and ghosting out of there!:)

What disheartened me was that I play lots of bad games but it doesn't 99.9% of the time bother me as usually I have fun makes load of mistakes and I put it down to poor judgement on my part and better play from the opposing player.

But this was too much. I waited for the tank to initiate, fired my ult arrow in, right click on annie . I actually though I played text book way to play a ranged carry and I just kept dying. I found it embarassing as i probably played the hardest I ever played and usually i just muck about with the boys and have fun damn the consequences but I wanted to try this game.

I use to play with a bunch of friends but their ELO rating got higher and i found myself in games were getting to hard for me. So I don't really play with them quite a few of them will be getting to high level elo status and i can barely cope with mid.

Going for a quick blast on it now.:)
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You'll find in mumble all levels tbh - i'd love to hear who made up your team. Certain players can make you feel like sh^& :)

BTW servers are up and even better multiple mastery pages are in and not a charge in sight - what were they thinking of :)
We joined up with Ch4 last night with Kar - my god Kar was on fire. First game was one of the most enjoyable turn arounds. Had 2 of our inihibs down but the team fights were going our way and Kar's shaco was massacring them - good game :)

Both me and my brother agreed that it was the best game we've ever had. Funny thing was someone said about surrendering in mumble so I put the vote then you all decided "Nah" and that we could win. I'm not going to lie I didn't think we could but I was game for a fight. Couldn't believe we came back to win.

Thanks for the tips last night mate, I feel my game has improved no end after doing what you said. Learning about reseting the lane etc it really improved my game I feel and I understand where I was going wrong before.

I felt I didn't play too good last night either that or I was against much better players. I took mid and kept getting killed by junglers which being Vayne I don't know how to deal with when Warwick comes out of no where and stuns you and smashes you in and then the other guy catches up. Only chance I have is if Flash is on CD really.

As much as I love Vayne and she is the only champion I can really play as (suck as everyone else) I feel I need a better and more suited character to play but I really don't know what type I want. I think I have about 22 champions and I've played as 5 and she is the only one I get on as.
Do you always play Ashe Redwings? She is a good champion and all but she lacks any kind of escape abilities so usually if someone targets you thats it your dead.. May be worth trying someone who can get out of trouble a bit better

When they have a jungler everyone should buy at least 1 ward when they first go back... wards save lives people! :D
Hi guys, currently level 12 summoner playing Garen. Might have to see if I can get a game with some of you guys as I never seem to win playing on my own despite almost always finishing on a positive KD ratio. Although last night managed to get 2 wins in a row! Think this is like my 1st post or summin :)
Do you always play Ashe Redwings? She is a good champion and all but she lacks any kind of escape abilities so usually if someone targets you thats it your dead.. May be worth trying someone who can get out of trouble a bit better

When they have a jungler everyone should buy at least 1 ward when they first go back... wards save lives people! :D

Personally when I play Ashe I always take Ghost and Flash just so have some form of escape. Even so you're pretty reliant on your tank protecting you or being able to kite the enemy champion. I don't really play Ashe anymore simply because if they do decide to focus you in every team fight there's not a lot you can do about it short of standing a little bit back to make them run through your team to get to you.

Might be worth trying Caitlyn and she at least has a form of escape and you can place traps to use as escape routes.
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