*** League of Legends ***

I was playing ashe and I went more or less the standard ashe build. Dorans blade>lvl1 boots>rushed infinity edge>lvl 2 boots>brutaliser>emblem of valour>yommuu>starks fervour. was about to build banshee veil but everytime a team fight started I was stun locked so banshees wouldn't made a difference I feel, so I build a last whisper. My thinking behind it was they will stun lock any chance I got so the time I wasn't being stun locked I wanted to do as much damage as possible before i died.

Part of the problem I can see with your build (and something I see on large numbers of AD carries) is that you've built entirely glass cannon. If your team is good enough then there can be reason to do this, but typically when I play Caitlyn I rush Bloodthirster/IE (depends how farmed/fed I am) and then I immediately build Banshees. You said that you were stun locked for a fight but this could be because you DON'T have banshees. Being able to negate the first stun/slow/whatever can mean you being able to flash away and then join the fight when their carry is down.

The other thing is you don't seem to build Attack Speed until really late. I'd consider building Phantom Dancer before Youmous. PD is so good on Ranged AD carries as you literally shred your target in no time at all if you're at 1.5-2 attacks per second range.

Finally, if you're getting picked in team fights, you're more than likely out of position. You have superior range over nearly everyone in the game so you should be poking/kiting from the back and not be in the middle of your team, unless you're fearful of the gank from behind.
DJ>I sometimes play her if the team needs a ranged DPS. She is probably the only carry I know how to play. I took Flash and Ghost as my summoner abilities. Bought wards but it was when I was in teamfights I failed hard. I usually play taric or nunu with a bit of mundo for just cleaver spamming fun.

Deiwos>I have attack speed runes and masteries. I was always told with ashe it is imperative even when I first started to play you must always build attack damage first with her and then later on build attack speed. So I rely on runes and masteries to see me through until I finish building attack items first and then build attack speed. I would like to think that Banshees would have helped but more a case of i got outplayed by better players. But I will try your setup to see if it would help my gameplay if I am matched in tough games like I had the other night.
Thanks Tals for words of encouragement.

I was playing ashe and I went more or less the standard ashe build. Dorans blade>lvl1 boots>rushed infinity edge>lvl 2 boots>brutaliser>emblem of valour>yommuu>starks fervour. was about to build banshee veil but everytime a team fight started I was stun locked so banshees wouldn't made a difference I feel, so I build a last whisper. My thinking behind it was they will stun lock any chance I got so the time I wasn't being stun locked I wanted to do as much damage as possible before i died.

It didn't help they probably had two of the very best late game champions if not THE best in the shape of Jax and Nasus.

Funny enough I don't really get wound up in the game. I never lose my temper if ever and don't get involved in the trash talk that often occurs before/during/after games. A lot of people like to do it but I am not one of them. Maybe because I am a lot older than the avg aged League of Legends player. The young pups have the manual dexterity, co-ordination and reflexes to hit the buttons at the right times but this old dog has enough trouble making it to the toilet let alone do a flash burst combo while cleansing through the cc and ghosting out of there!:)

What disheartened me was that I play lots of bad games but it doesn't 99.9% of the time bother me as usually I have fun makes load of mistakes and I put it down to poor judgement on my part and better play from the opposing player.

But this was too much. I waited for the tank to initiate, fired my ult arrow in, right click on annie . I actually though I played text book way to play a ranged carry and I just kept dying. I found it embarassing as i probably played the hardest I ever played and usually i just muck about with the boys and have fun damn the consequences but I wanted to try this game.

I use to play with a bunch of friends but their ELO rating got higher and i found myself in games were getting to hard for me. So I don't really play with them quite a few of them will be getting to high level elo status and i can barely cope with mid.

Going for a quick blast on it now.:)

some general ad carry advice..

first of all, your ashe build is not standard... the core of dorans blade, boots, IE is correct, but the optimal items after that should be last whisper & phantom dancer, then banshees whenever you need it. there is little reason to build anything else instead of this core on ashe. as you can see you get much better armour pen, move speed and crit chance at the cost of some lifesteal and cd reduction that she doesnt need.

the most important skill to get down on all ranged AD carries is positioning. if you are getting killed a lot, then this is most likely where you are having problems. you need to judge when it is safe to go in, when to back out so you should be watching what the enemy champs are doing, when they are blowing their gap closers/cc etc.

this means you need to pick out the right target at the right time - consider that your target may not always be your team's focus. this may sound strange and like you're not helping the team but remember that you as a ranged carry have huge range but low defense, the polar opposite of tanky dps who have low range and high defense.

for example if your team is trying focus the enemy's cait and she is doing her job, safely pelting your team from their back line... it would be near impossible for you to target her without getting blown apart because you would have to go through their front line of tanks/offtanks and in range of their casters to get to her. you are not expected to dive in on targets like tanks/tanky dps can. obviously you can judge the safety of doing something like this in game. it will be your initiators job (could be your arrow) to pick people out of position, but if you do not get this luxury, then your target should be the nearest damage dealer, whilst watching for opportunities to get any other dps getting out of position.

try not to draw too much attention to yourself.. you can normally dish out some dps on someone before they click on and try to attack you, so you should be ready top back out a bit. this is especially important on ashe because she excels at this as she is a natural kiter.

another very important point on carries is last hitting and farming. you need that gold more so than any other class in the game, you are totally reliant on items to do your damage. if you havent already got your last hitting down then i suggest you work on it... if you dont get at the very least, 4 of 6 in a minion wave then you are failing. 3 creep waves worth of gold is more than a kill... remember that.

damn long post, but hopefully you will get someful useful out of this.
Your build should always be dependent on who you're fighting and what's happening in the game. Ideally you should have a "core" build which for Ashe would be dorans blade > boots > BF sword. Past that is really depends on the game. Against CC heavy teams it's a good idea to get a Banshees after your first damage item since you're not doing any damage if you're stunned or dead.
Hi everyone,

I have been playing this game for just over a month now and really enjoying it:D

I wouldnt mind playing with some of you guys to see how a good team plays as the ones im joining in tend to be losses and no team work, now I am not very good at the game as I am still learning.

My game name is Fishermanjim and I have joined the ocuk chat channel in game, just need to sort out mumble.

Thanks :)
Ok Poppy or Brand... Mmmmm who do I get!

Honestly, I don't like either. As an AP carry, Brand is sooo skill shot based compared to something like Vlad, Kassadin, Malzahar, Ryze etc. Poppy is ok but doesn't bring much to a team comp which is why she doesn't get played much. I'd say you'd be better off getting Malzahar, Vladamir or Ryze as all of those are excellent AP carries and much easier to play and bring more to a team than Brand or Poppy.
Honestly, I don't like either. As an AP carry, Brand is sooo skill shot based compared to something like Vlad, Kassadin, Malzahar, Ryze etc. Poppy is ok but doesn't bring much to a team comp which is why she doesn't get played much. I'd say you'd be better off getting Malzahar, Vladamir or Ryze as all of those are excellent AP carries and much easier to play and bring more to a team than Brand or Poppy.

Ok mate thanks, I don't like Ryze or Malzahar so I'll look in to Vladamir :D Or Mordekaser -.-
Ok mate thanks, I don't like Ryze or Malzahar so I'll look in to Vladamir :D Or Mordekaser -.-

Vlad is really strong, although they nerfed him slightly by making Revolvers unique but its not the end of the world. Morde is hurt more by the nerf to Revolver tbh and he's next to useless in the team fight stage, he just wins his lane really well normally.

If you don't like Ryze or Malz I would say steer clear of Brand as his similar but worse.
Hi everyone,

I have been playing this game for just over a month now and really enjoying it:D

I wouldnt mind playing with some of you guys to see how a good team plays as the ones im joining in tend to be losses and no team work, now I am not very good at the game as I am still learning.

My game name is Fishermanjim and I have joined the ocuk chat channel in game, just need to sort out mumble.

Thanks :)

Sent you the password, we don't use the ocuk chat channel but we do use mumble to get together. Lots of new blood to the group over the last week so just hop on in :)
Hi Tals,

Thanks for the password, speak to you soon and anyone else on chat :)

No problem we are keen to grow this community with a friendly group that are looking for a group but not necessarily with the ties a clan can involve. A kind of half way house :)
Is there any promo's or anything as I'm about to buy £32 worth of Riot point or is it literally the bonus you get with each amount you buy?
Is there any promo's or anything as I'm about to buy £32 worth of Riot point or is it literally the bonus you get with each amount you buy?

You could try looking for a champions pack on amazon or ebay but as Goa who produced them hasn't been the publisher for over a year they really are far between. I wish Riot gave more promos but I guess they go on the philosophy if you offer a promo then people will hold off till next time so as far as Iknow they have never offered a promo for riot points. They do offer half price skins etc
Is there any promo's or anything as I'm about to buy £32 worth of Riot point or is it literally the bonus you get with each amount you buy?

The small quantity bonus isn't very significant so don't let that swap you into buying the larger sums of RP all the time.

There are no large discounts to be had anywhere however, so if you're going to buy it just buy it.
It seems the community of LoL gets worse the higher level they are. I get a bit of lag in a game today that makes me die and my team start crying about me feeding. I say sorry and explain about the lag and they just insult me. The community is pathetic, good mature players are few and far between.
It seems the community of LoL gets worse the higher level they are. I get a bit of lag in a game today that makes me die and my team start crying about me feeding. I say sorry and explain about the lag and they just insult me. The community is pathetic, good mature players are few and far between.

If you play outside of a premade then you'll unfortunately get this - hence the mumble group
Thanks for the advice and for the message in trust.

I went with Poppy - she is only 250RP so thought why not and I also got..

Vladimir and what can I say... I sucked in the first game I played but I really enjoyed playing him and his play style so thanks for all the advice he is great and I'm happy with my purchase :)

One question - is there a site which shows the champions in all their different skins?
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