*** League of Legends ***

well.... it depends which part of him you like really haha!

if you like aoe nuking then karthus, brand, annie and anivia are really strong picks.

if you like single target burst then malz is the one insane champ for that right now, he completely locks one person down. he can easily destroy the majority of the cast 1v1 (including tanks).

if you want utility and cc then annie, alistar and anivia are really strong AP picks for that with their aoe stuns.

if its sustainability you like then swain is probs your best bet.. he's really strong right now too. nidalee is also a viable AP champ with sustainabilty but she is pretty quirky and totally unique...

if you want tankier AP options you can try cho, morde, singed, ryze, swain. cho/singed be main tank pretty effectively too.

lots of options for you there :p
I play this if anyone fancies some games they can add me

no prizes for guessing my ingame name

I generally tank. Level 30 summoner.
@oj thanks mate.

Nice TwsT - will give you a shout sometime. I must admit using Tals mumble server is cool, some good guys on there and a great laugh!

I think I had my best gave ever as Vlad last night...


I only died because I was silly but the whole other team cheered once they killed me was rather amusing. I might make a mini montage of my Vlad games as I've had some really good kills/escapes I think. Last night on one game I took out 3 people from full health 1 at a time through good trickery and timing!

Defo getting better I think.

Going to get that new champ Oriana when she comes out, just saw the spotlight, sounds interesting.
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Hello all!

i am a friend of Fishermanjim (OcUK Brackish) and i play LoL with him and would like to join the guys on mumble. Been told you guys are a laugh and have some great games!

I have mumble installed and ready to go, i look forward to having a game soon.


Hello all!

i am a friend of Fishermanjim (OcUK Brackish) and i play LoL with him and would like to join the guys on mumble. Been told you guys are a laugh and have some great games!

I have mumble installed and ready to go, i look forward to having a game soon.



I am happy that any existing member of the mumble group can give out to any person they would like to join. So just ask Fishermanjim and he can advise :)
BTW you need to save a large chunk of IP for level 3 runes rather than just buy champions. Eventually you need a couple pages with optimal runes for 2 champ types, but with the default 2 pages its worth getting some that cover a decent amount of champions, like magic resist/level blue, flat armour yellow (and/or mana regen/5/level), armour penetration red, magic pen red and 3 flat HP quints.

To me the above is good to start with as its cheap and will be OK for multiple champions. If you know you will only play a particular champion it could be worth just getting whats good for him and build from there but then you might be stuck with runes that don't work that well for other champs.

You might want to get as well cooldown reduction blue, 3 armour pen quints, 3 ability power quints, ability power / level blue, health / level yellow, dodge yellow etc. If you only have 2 pages you might need to buy some more, or get the rune page bundle for RP
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I did pretty well this game :p

I blame my new Stinger Akali skin <3
Still loving Vlad. Still not sure what other champs to learn how to play even after the recommendations :(

The best thing is try the free champs - even if it's a case of creating a custom game with you as the only non ai and testing how they feel to you. You will pwn but at least you'll get an idea. I like chars like Blitz - I suck at him terrible but I do love that grab when it comes together :)
The best thing is try the free champs - even if it's a case of creating a custom game with you as the only non ai and testing how they feel to you. You will pwn but at least you'll get an idea. I like chars like Blitz - I suck at him terrible but I do love that grab when it comes together :)

Yea' I've been trying that. I tried Swain but I didn't really like him too much because I sucked at him lol.

I keep getting up against level 30 people in mid and finding it so hard because they're fully runed out and do so much damage compared to me. Seriously need 30 -.-
If you link up with us in premades that's unfortunately the penalty. I know I just got a load of xp boosts at the time, still takes a couple of weeks from level 15 - 30 with boost or a month without
The matchmaking system matches based on Elo, not lvl. If you are being matched against lvl 30's then they are either duo queuing with a very low level person or they are awful at the game.
The matchmaking system matches based on Elo, not lvl. If you are being matched against lvl 30's then they are either duo queuing with a very low level person or they are awful at the game.

cup half full or half empty - alternatively ch4 could just be very good :)
Well that's the point :P

He's higher skilled then normal for his level, especially after inflating his Elo playing with higher leveled people on mumble so he will begin to be matched against lvl 30s normally.
Aaa cool. How is ELO done is it on Win/Loss or K/D?

I'm about 67 wins with 1862 take downs and I think I've lost 55 games. My KD is goodish I think now. In 5 games I had about 50+ kills with 5 deaths.
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