*** League of Legends ***

Everyone has bad games. I'm not terrible at LoL but I still have games where things just go wrong at every opportunity and I end up not being able to even defend a tower. Doesn't help when you can't even die once without someone shouting at you half the time which doesn't put people in a good mood.

The community of this game never ceases to amaze me though. I had someone call me a "noob" for not going back when I was on low hp (I didn't actually die and ended up healing back to full HP) only for him to end up on 0/10 as Twisted Fate and then used "It's my first game as TF" as his defense. Surely if it's your first game as a hero you shouldn't be calling other people "noobs" ?

This is why I don't solo queue now.
Felt like such a noob last night in the games I played with you guys. I was basically getting 3 hit at the start of the game. Even when I hugged the tower it didn't make a difference. 2nd game was much better although I should have listened when I was told they're coming for me! Guess it's the difference between the level 19 games I'm playing and playing with level 30s.

Level 20 now so starting to get T3 runes. Not sure what char I should ruin out if I'm honest.
well reds is probably the easiest runes to buy because theres only 2 real viable choices and thats armour pen (for ad) or magic pen (for ap). theres a distant 3rd choice of attack speed reds for certain junglers.

for yellows, there are 2 main big choices as well and thats scaling mana per 5 runes or flat armour. the majority mana users will benefit from the mp5 runes and likewise the majority of manaless champs & also junglers will benefit from flat armour. the other good choices are scaling health or dodge... both are only good if your champ receives bonus's from those stats.

blues have huge variety and a lot of them are good. i think the best generic choice that will benefit most of the champs would be flat magic res, but you have many choices for blue. the best ones here are flat/scaling magic res, flat cdr, scaling ap per level.

quints are the best... you seriously have a tonne of options and you can gain stats you can;t gain anywhere else such as movespeed. there are lots of choices for quint that gives you a massive boost. the best ones are probably armour pen, flat hp, movespeed or flat ap.

TL: DR, get reds and yellows first as the best runes in those areas are clear cut and will benefit multiple champs.
Felt like such a noob last night in the games I played with you guys. I was basically getting 3 hit at the start of the game. Even when I hugged the tower it didn't make a difference. 2nd game was much better although I should have listened when I was told they're coming for me! Guess it's the difference between the level 19 games I'm playing and playing with level 30s.

Level 20 now so starting to get T3 runes. Not sure what char I should ruin out if I'm honest.

Think I was laning with you first game, you did ok. Just need to be more aware how powerful your tower can be at gaining you kills when they jump you under it.

haha that was funny how we could tell and all I heard back was "I'll be alright I have flash" haha! :D
Think I was laning with you first game, you did ok. Just need to be more aware how powerful your tower can be at gaining you kills when they jump you under it.

haha that was funny how we could tell and all I heard back was "I'll be alright I have flash" haha! :D

Yep definitely a chuckle moment.

Ch4 you played fine, I stuffed the jungling aspect a tad and that did affect us. The game does play out differently in our games and premade - I think it's a lot more strategic. As long as I enjoy my session (which I did last night) I don't mind win or lose tbh
is anyone here on o2 for their internet? since the past few days i've noticed double pings during peak times (5pm-12am), so i would get ~140 ping on eu servers and like 280+ on us servers... so not fun at all. i would literally be double the ping of most of players in the same server when i check on the load screen.

obviously looks like it might have something to do with traffic management/throttling but i've been told nothing has been done on my account and they can't because i signed up ages ago when they did nothing like this. the weird thing is im not actually getting these ping issues anywhere else so it just seems it might be both an o2 AND LoL related issue combined??
Hey guys only just noticed this thread didnt realise how popular this game Is within the OcUK community. Ive been palying this game since christmas, im level 30 and I main Ashe/Maokai/Hiemer.

Maybe i could play with you guys sometime?
Has anyone played the new champion Orianna yet? Haven't seen her in any games.

Played with her on my team and against her and she's got some obscene range due to her orb. She seems good but not sure she'll see much play in tournaments or high elo. I could be wrong though as I've not played her :)
Vortex you are more then welcome to play with us, just add me in game "mcknight27" and I'll sort you out :D

Ste (or OJ, still not sure which to call you :p) how come I never see you online anymore?
Think I was laning with you first game, you did ok. Just need to be more aware how powerful your tower can be at gaining you kills when they jump you under it.

haha that was funny how we could tell and all I heard back was "I'll be alright I have flash" haha! :D

Yep definitely a chuckle moment.

Ch4 you played fine, I stuffed the jungling aspect a tad and that did affect us. The game does play out differently in our games and premade - I think it's a lot more strategic. As long as I enjoy my session (which I did last night) I don't mind win or lose tbh
@silent and Tals, I felt such a boob after that, I was like yea I got flash, yea I got my pool move no one can kill me... Next second their whole team is there, exhaust, chain stun and dead... I'll listen in future!
Has anyone played the new champion Orianna yet? Haven't seen her in any games.
Hi mate, just jump in any and see if anyone is up for a game.

Got a fair few runes last night, I got 6 slots open in each of the runes I got
2xAP Quins and 2x Armour Pen quins.
6xMagic Pen reds
6x Armour Pen reds
6x MP5 yellows
6x Armor
Blues I have ability power - about 1k off getting more.

Played Amumu last night, must admit what a great fun champ! Enjoyed him a lot. Didn't get the kills I normally would but I would say it defo helped the team.

I'm slowly getting better, can play
Amumu now.

In regards to the new champ Orianna, I think she is amazing when played well. She can be the difference between getting away alive when being chased, she can add armour and shield people and she is great at harassing. Her ulti is pretty amazing too.
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Ive been playing orianna, love her she is extremely squishy early on tho, but later on i end up with around 3k health. i won 4 games in a row with her including one game where i went 3/0/16! :D
When I see Orianna I do sigh I must admit. She is such a good character and so many people don't know how to play against her. The amount of times I've seen her lock down a lane pushing people out of exp range is mental. I find her hard to counter but keep on moving seems to do the trick.
Orianna looks fun to play. Looking forward to her being on rotation next week.

Started playing lanewick a week or so ago, now seeing so many OP comments on the official forums. I must've caught the fad just in time :D. He's damn good in normal solo-q, good solid tanky dps and so hard to force him out of lane with Q spam, only person who I've even remotely had a bit of problems with is MF. Problem is if you come up against certain team comps you can be kited all day long, bad times!
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