*** League of Legends ***

thanks tals,

im abit confused about mumble, ive logged into the server just not sure which league of legends room as there are several?

If you're happy to wait a while for others to come online, then sit in Ready To Join a Game. If you're playing just sit in any of the channels or On Later if you don't want to be disturbed. During the day Mumble is pretty quiet but from about 4pm onwards there's usually plenty of people online :)
Any chance of being sent the mumble password in trust? Be good to have some games with you guys. Mainly end up playing ranged DPS or a Tank these days. Loving Amumu at the moment. Should really learn to jungle with him though.
If you're happy to wait a while for others to come online, then sit in Ready To Join a Game. If you're playing just sit in any of the channels or On Later if you don't want to be disturbed. During the day Mumble is pretty quiet but from about 4pm onwards there's usually plenty of people online :)

Yep Deiwos has it covered, a lot of us now use it like msn - basically on later/the common room is if you're planning on being on later you get into these channels, if you have your speakers on you're hear call outs for players as teams need extra players. Ready to join basically says you're ready for a game and people will ask if you want to play.

We're all pretty friendly in here so just come on in :)
@Silent and Tals, I felt such a boob after that, I was like yea I got flash, yea I got my pool move no one can kill me... Next second their whole team is there, exhaust, chain stun and dead... I'll listen in future!

We had no wards and there team was missing - it was going to happen :) Our worst failing is getting those wards down, makes a huge difference. Really wish it was in the end game stats at the end - always be good to see the good ward droppers and the bad ones :)

Played Amumu last night, must admit what a great fun champ! Enjoyed him a lot. Didn't get the kills I normally would but I would say it defo helped the team.

Yep amumu is a lot of fun and a pretty good jungler as well :) Though always do a test match against the ai before rolling out a jungler - otherwise it will invariably end in tears. But if you like ganking jungling is where it's at :)
man 3rd day in a row im getting horrendous ping during peak times.... was on 250+ ping there and was just unplayable, really dont know whats wrong.
is anyone here on o2 for their internet? since the past few days i've noticed double pings during peak times (5pm-12am), so i would get ~140 ping on eu servers and like 280+ on us servers... so not fun at all. i would literally be double the ping of most of players in the same server when i check on the load screen.

obviously looks like it might have something to do with traffic management/throttling but i've been told nothing has been done on my account and they can't because i signed up ages ago when they did nothing like this. the weird thing is im not actually getting these ping issues anywhere else so it just seems it might be both an o2 AND LoL related issue combined??

Yeah I am and i've been getting the same :mad:

If it carries on and it isn't fixed then I will just swap providers - o2 have generally been pretty decent though so hopefully it will be sorted out.

Does anyone know ip addresses of some of the LoL servers? might be worth running a trace and seeing if the problem is happening on the same hop
Servers are really, really bad. We had a few games last night and it felt like my champion was playing in syrup.

Is it bad all game or just at parts? Ive been having lag spikes in battles since the last patch before oriana.I hadnt changed anything on my pc or installed anything for a month or to prior to this so im just hoping its server issues.
When you get a spike it's worth asking the team if they also got it. If they didn't it's you :( If they did then it's not :)

The only times I have had consistent spiking - one was using kapersky and the other was installing a resident app. Both hit the drive when they shouldn't and the disk just couldn't handle the access
Yep amumu is a lot of fun and a pretty good jungler as well :) Though always do a test match against the ai before rolling out a jungler - otherwise it will invariably end in tears. But if you like ganking jungling is where it's at :)

Badum tish? :p
Wards are all good and well but i do wish they had their own slot as often its a case of buy parts to an item or buy ward and be forced to buy item in one go as you dont have the slots to buy it any other way
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Wards are all good and well but i do with they had their own slot as often its a case of buy parts to an item or buy ward and be forced to buy item in one go as you dont have the slots to buy it any other way

Agreed - but it does make it a strategic decision which I don't think is a bad thing. Wards will save your life but do you get that shiny sword or the ward :)
Just downloaded this last night....its bloody brilliant! although frustrating sometimes. For a free game I'm well impressed.

Can't they get more servers though, it takes ages to get into the lobby.
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