*** League of Legends ***

Just downloaded this last night....its bloody brilliant! although frustrating sometimes. For a free game I'm well impressed.

Can't they get more servers though, it takes ages to get into the lobby.

They're having server issues at the moment mate.

If you want at some point I'll jump in a game with you and explain a few things to you. Tals did to me when I played with him and I went from sucking hardcore to just sucking!
Wards are all good and well but i do wish they had their own slot as often its a case of buy parts to an item or buy ward and be forced to buy item in one go as you dont have the slots to buy it any other way

The idea is that one character on your team will be a lot less reliant on items then the other (generally the support) who can afford to buy the wards and keep an item slot free for them. I agree it'd be nice to have a slot for them though as the above doesn't work at all in solo queue games.
Any1 else having problems logging on.Came up with an hour to logon so left it and went elsewhere and came back and it had disconnected from the server so trying again now 48 mins till i can log in :)

Are they ever going to fix the servers? or are they just going to give a few more riot points out in a few weeks?
Just downloaded this last night....its bloody brilliant! although frustrating sometimes. For a free game I'm well impressed.

Can't they get more servers though, it takes ages to get into the lobby.

As others have indicated the EU servers are going through a bad couple of weeks. To get it in perspective though, there are no published player numbers for the game but its guestimated to be over 500,000 regular players and more likely over a million :) It's probably one of the biggest games on the PC at the moment

if you get your trust account sorted one of us can trust you the mumble password. Also read the first post of this thread lots of juicy stuff
They're having server issues at the moment mate.

If you want at some point I'll jump in a game with you and explain a few things to you. Tals did to me when I played with him and I went from sucking hardcore to just sucking!

Much-o grassya$$.

I must be doing something right as I'm consistantly (last 4 games anyway) doing fairly well. So long as I get to play as that Hiemydangler fella.

I did soo bad playing as Captain Pugwash or whatever his name is though.
Some good games last night!

I'm in two minds about Soraka if I'm honest. I think I did a good job healing people and saved people on numerous times which is always a good thing however I have to stay back as I get merked, I find it hard to generate cash on her due to slow animation and low damage. I need to get close to do my q move and the second I'm in range the other team target me and as people saw last night... How long to kill a minion?!?

I may unlock Sona next and try her as she seems like she can dish out some nice damage from what you guys said last night and youtube.

Haha pugwash! Gangplank but I think pug wash should have been his name. Someone on Mumble made me laugh last night with their explanation of Gangs name :D
Some good games last night!

I'm in two minds about Soraka if I'm honest. I think I did a good job healing people and saved people on numerous times which is always a good thing however I have to stay back as I get merked, I find it hard to generate cash on her due to slow animation and low damage. I need to get close to do my q move and the second I'm in range the other team target me and as people saw last night... How long to kill a minion?!?

I may unlock Sona next and try her as she seems like she can dish out some nice damage from what you guys said last night and youtube.

Haha pugwash! Gangplank but I think pug wash should have been his name. Someone on Mumble made me laugh last night with their explanation of Gangs name :D

Soraka is pure support i.e. she's meant to sit at the back and heal her lane partner and let them farm. if you're farming at the same time as your lane partner you shouldn't be as they should be some kind of carry who needs the money to buy items to carry the team.

I pretty much exclusively play support these days and I really enjoy it. The biggest piece of advice I can give to playing support is BUY BUY BUY gold per 5 items, namely philosophers stones. My item start on soraka is 2 faerie charms, 1 ward and 1 health pot. This start lets you build 2 philo stones when you get to 1240 gold which is about 12-15minutes in I think. You can get there earlier as your lane partner will probably go shop and you've probably picked up an assist in the lane. After that, you can buy boots 1 and something like Heart of Gold if you need a built more survivability. You should then concentrate on building items that benefit the team like Aegis etc.

Skilling wise, max your W then your E. You can level Q about level 10-12 but levelling it before that is unnecessary as its range is so low that you shouldn't be using it.

Personally I prefer playing Taric as support as he's tankier so doesn't die so easy but soraka is definitely the best healer in the game.
@Deiwos - Ok that's cool that's much what I try to do apart from your starting set up. So I'll give that a try. You're right though who ever I lane with really can just sit there and farm and near the end of the game my ulti would heal everyone for about 1k and my normal W heal would heal for around 900. Thanks for the advice, I liked playing support as there were a few times my heal saved someone or was the difference between us living and us dying.

How would you say Soraka compares to Sona?
@Deiwos - Ok that's cool that's much what I try to do apart from your starting set up. So I'll give that a try. You're right though who ever I lane with really can just sit there and farm and near the end of the game my ulti would heal everyone for about 1k and my normal W heal would heal for around 900. Thanks for the advice, I liked playing support as there were a few times my heal saved someone or was the difference between us living and us dying.

How would you say Soraka compares to Sona?

They're quite different as support champs. Sona brings a really strong ultimate to team fights and can help push lanes much better than soraka due to her passives but I feel like soraka supports the lane much better early as sonas heals just aren't very good and very mana intensive. Sona can be a lot of fun, and playing 'carry' sona by rushing deathcap etc can be fun if you're not taking the game too seriously :)

Playing Sona does encourage you to be less passive in the lane though and thats not usually something you want to be doing as it doesn't allow your jungle to gank.
its like deiwos says, if you play a support class and you do it properly then you're not supposed to get any creep kills what so ever. the support always goes bot lane with a carry and you support them with heals/shields/stuns etc, or harass a little if your champ can. you literally babysit the carry, make sure they don't die and make sure they have an easy time farming. you should only last hit creeps if its clear then your carry can't get it so that its not wasted... eg. when they aren't there or they are clearly out of range.

supports don't need as much gold as other class types because they are effective without items.. they are picked for the effects their spells have. they generally don't scale very well and don;t need to. you will make your money through assists and gold per 5 items.

warding is the support's job (not that others shouldn't buy too) but you should always have 2-3 wards in your invent when you get the income. you should also by the 1 that takes cv. buy gold per 5 items early game and you should aim towards aura items mid-late. you can pick some ap items if its beneficial.

saying this though, i would not do support properly in low level games because you are putting trust into your lane partner and if they don;t take advantage of your support and free farm, then you're effectively gimping 2 champs :p

soraka is an amazing laner and support because she provides infinite sustainability... infinite mana and health is sick. taric is the best general support, stun + heal is the best support toolset to have. janna provides good support for ad carries and also counters aoe team comps. sona is probably the highest damage for support, she has really sick harass in lane and has nice heals and an aoe stun.
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Cool thanks for both your in depth replies it is appreciated. It's weird going from a killing machine to a support class I must admit but I did have fun. I think you're right the gold was a main issue I had however with the gold per 5 items that should sort it out so thanks again.
certainly is! theres huge differences in play style even between ap and ad carries so its like a different world when you try support :p. wait till you pick up jungling :D
Cool thanks for both your in depth replies it is appreciated. It's weird going from a killing machine to a support class I must admit but I did have fun. I think you're right the gold was a main issue I had however with the gold per 5 items that should sort it out so thanks again.

Yep gp5 items, 1 point in the greed mastery and Quints of Avarice really help with the gold problems. Quints of avarice is the cheapest quints too I think.
certainly is! theres huge differences in play style even between ap and ad carries so its like a different world when you try support :p. wait till you pick up jungling :D
I agree mate.

I know I can't weight for jungling I have
for my jungling :D
Yep gp5 items, 1 point in the greed mastery and Quints of Avarice really help with the gold problems. Quints of avarice is the cheapest quints too I think.
Cool mate, thank you :)
Jungling is a whole new experience that I hadn't got into till recently - lot of fun, probably more stressful because it is so time reliant. I really did not enjoy jungling as Amumu with an Eve jungling on the other side, wards and oracles were order of the day but gold became a huge issue :(
Okay, so after HoN servers being down yet again I thought I'd download this game. It is, actually pretty fun in my eyes. But like every other online game, boring without team mates you know/can use comms with.

Looking for some peeps to play with, my ingame name is 1nfested. Would be good to be taught the ropes ))

P.s I'm not exactly a newbie, I played dota for 3-4 years and around 6 months of competitive HoN.
Haha yeah, more games should definitely be free. I bet Riot love seeing people defend the game from criticism by saying it's free :) Of course it's true but they make enough revenue from it obviously.
We have found an issue which is causing single user bans to be effecting all users connecting to a server.

A fix for this is now rolling out now, which unfortunately this requires a restart of the mumble master servers, so all servers will restart shortly.

All up again now
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