*** League of Legends ***

Well I got Irelia, had a quick go against bots in my lunch and she is kind of cool :D

I know you guys are much better than me and the below isn't directed at you but I thought it was a good post about Vlad

to put it kindly, that guy doesn't know what he's talking about. beating 'a random vlad' doesn't prove anything, the bottom line is that a well played vlad who is using him at his full potenial will outright dominate the majority of the champions available. there are a pretty small amount of champs that can comfortably lane against vlad and i'm unaware of any hard counters.

that guy assumes he can last hit with his abilites freely... you cannot do this once vlad gets to around level 5-6 onwards. why? its because vlad has infinite sustainability, he gets free heals on low cd with zero cost. this means he will always have a life lead against you. a very basic vlad scenario is that he'll tank your damage to attack you and he will be able to heal up quickly (no doubt to full) on the next minion wave. most champs cannot handle this kind of harass because you are constantly dying and he is not... whats worse is that this allows him to zone you out exp and gold range (watch the video in the guide ill post at the end)

so how do you counter this? well theres a few ways:

a) burst him down 100% - unlikely but possible with the likes of annie/malz. will be very hard to setup though because of his pool. even the likes of these strong nukers prefer to whittle you down first to seal the kill, something which is pretty much impossible against vlad

b) out range him - this is possible with people like cait/kog. a good choice imo but very few champs will out range him like this.

c) call for ganks - that guy you quoted is clueless if he doesn't acknowledge vlad's pool as one of the best escape spells in the game. it has a unique property in that it 'pops' projectiles (a property which the old flash used to have, which got removed from the game) allowing you to avoid any incoming spell completely. a good sign of a mediocre vlad is that he pools at the first sign of danger. a good vlad well negate your incoming spell. this effectively means you need 2 cc spells to catch him out, and if you're mid lane you also have a very smell gap to do this in before he reaches the safety of his tower. the 20% hp loss argument is also negligible because as long as he survives, he can heal back up in one wave which brings you back to point a.

d) pick a strong early game champ - probably the most suggested tactic. the truth is, this only slows him down a little bit because once he 'kicks in' the tables will turn. also if you go boots + 3 pots like you probably should, you will most likely survive the attempts at early game harass.

e) pick another champ with good sustainability - a very good option, people like swain and nida should be good.

basically vlad is strong as hell. have a look at this guide (written by one of the top players in a top clan) and make sure you watch the video to see how vlad is played: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=1479

i guarantee if you apply this sort of strategy at summoner level ~20, you will see a lot of opponents just rage quit. enjoy it while it lasts, because he needs a nerf. i would be very surprised to see if its a nerf to anything else other than the issue of his infinite sustainability. his damage and pool are fine imo.
Again it's hard to comment for me as I'm not level 30 and I'm not a good player nor have I a high elo, but I was melting a Vlads face last night who had a typical build. I'm not too fussed any more about the nerf as I find I rarely use Vlad now.

I can see both sides of the coin if I'm honest and think with some adjustments he will still be playable and fine.

I got Irelia yesterday and my first game I got 17 kills as her which was cool! I died a fair few times but this was due to some kid on our team from 10 mins on going "Surrender at 20" and not doing anything because he wanted to surrender. Problem I find is joining games everyone just instalocks and I end up having to play a tank which I don't mind but I really want to play my new char I just spent 975RP on -.-
As people have said the problem with vlad has never been his damage but the fact that he never ever ever dies!

You cant 1v1 burst him to death, late game you have to pretty much 5v1 focus and hit him with all of your stuns.. this basically means ignoring him completely while you kill his team so you can finish him off last and people may say his damage isn't all that great but he isn't someone you can just ignore for an entire team fight

I have never really cared about there being a new map, unless it has a new game type i dont really see the fuss, there will be some lanes, minions will walk down them what the background looks like is pretty irrelevant.

Being enjoying nocturne while he is free and now that i have finally filled 2 rune pages may buy him when i can afford it. Have only totally carried once with him though, he does seem very squishy i think i probably need to be less of a team player and come in half way through the fight when everyone is on half health instead of initiating/straight after the tank where i seem to get focused.
Being enjoying nocturne while he is free and now that i have finally filled 2 rune pages may buy him when i can afford it. Have only totally carried once with him though, he does seem very squishy i think i probably need to be less of a team player and come in half way through the fight when everyone is on half health instead of initiating/straight after the tank where i seem to get focused.

That's what I found with Nocturne, if I went in at the start they would focus me, best bet let everyone initiate wait a few seconds and kill steal the lot :D
so i starting using corki last week and now understand why hes 1st/2nd choice ad carry along with ashe in tournies.

his carry potential is absolutely insane, he has 4 aoe spells and does hybrid damage, along with massive armour reduction. with level 5 gatling gun and black cleaver, he gets 95 armour reduction, which takes you beyond 0 armour into negative armour (unlike armour pen which stops at 0)... i didnt actually know this till i was owning some bots and saw their armour show up as -xx. i was in one game with my corki and a kog and lets just say their tank couldn't tank.

to top it off, you can't stop him from farming, he can wipe out creep waves with q/r combo, he has a decent built in escape, has nice long ranged pokes and also has a true damage passive. i dont think any other ad carry comes anywhere near close to his damage except for vayne
so i starting using corki last week and now understand why hes 1st/2nd choice ad carry along with ashe in tournies.

his carry potential is absolutely insane, he has 4 aoe spells and does hybrid damage, along with massive armour reduction. with level 5 gatling gun and black cleaver, he gets 95 armour reduction, which takes you beyond 0 armour into negative armour (unlike armour pen which stops at 0)... i didnt actually know this till i was owning some bots and saw their armour show up as -xx. i was in one game with my corki and a kog and lets just say their tank couldn't tank.

to top it off, you can't stop him from farming, he can wipe out creep waves with q/r combo, he has a decent built in escape, has nice long ranged pokes and also has a true damage passive. i dont think any other ad carry comes anywhere near close to his damage except for vayne
I've got him now after playing against him last night, he has a huge range and does so much damage :( Didn't realize he could make your Armour negative though!
i was pretty surprised at that too, it doesnt seem to get mentioned much although its a pretty big factor to why his damage is so high! i was originally gonna get vayne next but with her confirmed nerf, im gonna wait to see how hard she is getting hit first.... which means my next purchase will now be corki :p
old school twitch btw was OP as hell and not at all fun to play against. being a stealth character gave him a huge advantage and to top it off, he actually had an OP ulti which was easily capable of a penta. all he had to do was get fed (easy) and then in team fights, position himself along your back line and ulti your squishies and it was gg. he did get over nerfed though :p i think he got hit 5 patches in a row

I think it was 5 in a row .They then buffed his range by a whole 5 to make up for it lol.
His ulti is still good at when maxed out and you have enough attack speed to get a few stacks on them but at level 6 with no real attack speed its quite poor as people can easily just move and you miss them lol or you hit them once and they just flash or ghost and its over.I only find it usefull at 6 defending a tower and killing the creeps but there should be much better use for ulti than this.
Its still usefull in teamfights but you can only get a couple of stacks at low level before they come after you.
- Ward Slot [Guinsoo]
- Fiddlesticks Buff [Morello]
- Gankplank Buff [Morello]
- Vayne Nerf [Morello]
- Jarvan Nerf (Stats change) [Morello]
- Vladimir Nerf [Morello]
- Rumble Nerf (or the next patch) [Phreak]
- Tryndamere (small remake - will use Fury to track Bloodlust) [Morello]
- Spectator Mode [E3]
No source though -.-
Had a bad night last night on the game, I played terrible, I tried playing as some new chars and just went against what I normally do. I even played Irelia who I've played a few times and went like 6/16 or something which is terrible. Finished the night off with a good game as Vlad but... When playing new champs how do you normally do so poor? I think I tried 2 champs last night and was terribad on both of them. I had builds up for them.

Mundo and Corki I played as who are good champs and I seriously sucked as them. I think my tankystyle came through and I'm now scared to play as either of these again! Was so bad :(
i wouldn't worry about that mate, using a new champ is a guaranteed fail! there is too much thinking time involved and nothing is natural but thats standard :p. i would generally have a custom game against bots and try to get a feel for the champ but i accept that my performance will be pretty random for the first 5-10 games.

rememeber that even though tanky dps / AP / AD are all damage classes, they all play very differently... even champs within the same class play really differently. if you like a champ, just stick at it... the penny will drop and you're laughing :D
Had a bad night last night on the game, I played terrible, I tried playing as some new chars and just went against what I normally do. I even played Irelia who I've played a few times and went like 6/16 or something which is terrible. Finished the night off with a good game as Vlad but... When playing new champs how do you normally do so poor? I think I tried 2 champs last night and was terribad on both of them. I had builds up for them.

Mundo and Corki I played as who are good champs and I seriously sucked as them. I think my tankystyle came through and I'm now scared to play as either of these again! Was so bad :(

I know the feeling. I love playing AD carries, but I'm just bad them. Tristana, Miss Fortune and Caitlyn I've tried playing a lot and I generally suck. I end up with the highest CS by far but I don't seem to get any kills. I do way better with mages and Akali.
After countless losses on this game, Ive finally fount a champ I seem to be doing ok with.. Veigar! The lil midget is fun to come running out of the bushes and dropping an AOE stun haha.
I know the feeling. I love playing AD carries, but I'm just bad them. Tristana, Miss Fortune and Caitlyn I've tried playing a lot and I generally suck. I end up with the highest CS by far but I don't seem to get any kills. I do way better with mages and Akali.

Miss Fortune is quite hard to get kills with early game without some kind of co-ordination with your team and some hard CC - by this I mean stun/root/fear. It's simply because her make it rain skill only gives a small slow, but focus levelling on your 'W' skill will make you hit like a truck even early game!

With carries, as you get farmed up and the game go's into the latter stages you will kills just because you naturally have large amounts of damage and a bit of attack speed to back that up also :)
I played as Nunu and Warwick last night, even got a Warwick skin which I love! Enjoying both these chars but I suck as them. Nunu is good but every time I went to do my ulti someone would stun me or do something to interrupt it :*(
I played as Nunu and Warwick last night, even got a Warwick skin which I love! Enjoying both these chars but I suck as them. Nunu is good but every time I went to do my ulti someone would stun me or do something to interrupt it :*(

Ahh Warwick has some of the coolest skins, love the tundra hunter and firefang ones.

He's normally considered a jungler but recently a lot of people play him in lane which works absolutely fine, he's got great sustainability in lane because you can soak up a lot of harass with WW's 'Q' spell which has great life steal and not to mention his passive also.

With a lane build I normally go with a dorans ring first then lvl 1 boots, recurve bow/spirit visage, merc treads and then depending on how things are going then you can finish your bow into a madreds bloodrazor or go towards sunfire cape/banshee veil.

The build gives him a great ability to soak up damage whilst being able to easily heal for 300+ hp everytime you use your Q (you can spam the crap out of this!) and when coupled with decent resists, your quite hard to take down. Your job in team fights will be to chase the enemy carrys or waiting for the perfect time to unleash your ult - this is pretty key, it's such a good ult it's a damn shame when you see someone waste it on a carry who has like 200hp left just so you can get in on the action whilst if you left it a bit longer you could guarantee another kill for your team. Food for thought :)

As for jungling....pass, it's an aspect that even though I've got like 600 games under my belt I'm still a complete noob at!
Hey mate, yea I got the Firefang one, I love it. Kept letting Brand hit me last night because when I was on fire from him I looked so cool.

I can't jungle for toffee yet as I don't have all the ruins, I might give it a try again at some point but when I'm level 11 and taking hours to kill the dragon and see in some Jungling videos WW taking them down at 6....

Yea I found I could be stupid in the lane and still have full life which was cool.

Dorans ring is an AP item, is he a AP guy then? So when you say don't waste it on a low hp enemy you basically mean let him die naturally and use it on another person?
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