*** League of Legends ***

Dorans ring is an AP item, is he a AP guy then? So when you say don't waste it on a low hp enemy you basically mean let him die naturally and use it on another person?

AP isn't bad on Warrick at all since it makes your Q spell a LOT better. Also all the time you have mana you can heal yourself much more effectively then with a dorans sheild.

I've recently started jungling but it's very dependent on your team working with you. If people push their lanes it makes it very hard for you to get kills.
I played as Nunu and Warwick last night, even got a Warwick skin which I love! Enjoying both these chars but I suck as them. Nunu is good but every time I went to do my ulti someone would stun me or do something to interrupt it :*(

with channelled ulti's, you really have to keep track of your threats and their cooldowns. this comes with experience and its all to do with timing. an early banshees veil is core on nunu and is a strong item one anyone who has a channelled ulti.

I can't jungle for toffee yet as I don't have all the ruins, I might give it a try again at some point but when I'm level 11 and taking hours to kill the dragon and see in some Jungling videos WW taking them down at 6....

i believe nunu and ww are not only some of the best junglers in the game but they can do it with pretty much any build and even with no runes. they are often suggested for low level junglers who want to try it out :)

early solo dragon kills are a thing of the past because dragon/baron got buffed not so long ago (maybe ~5 months?) to stop that. im pretty sure those videos are outdated... its still possible to rush it quite early with the help of the team but i dont think you can solo it at low levels like that anymore.
Hey mate, yea I got the Firefang one, I love it. Kept letting Brand hit me last night because when I was on fire from him I looked so cool.

I can't jungle for toffee yet as I don't have all the ruins, I might give it a try again at some point but when I'm level 11 and taking hours to kill the dragon and see in some Jungling videos WW taking them down at 6....

Yea I found I could be stupid in the lane and still have full life which was cool.

Dorans ring is an AP item, is he a AP guy then? So when you say don't waste it on a low hp enemy you basically mean let him die naturally and use it on another person?

Yes Dorans ring is typically an AP item but the reason it works on WW early game is because it gives you all the stats that you can use effectively - health, small dose of AP (which scales fantastically with your Q), mana and mana regen which will both allow you to spam Q to your hearts content.

After the Dorans ring I don't really recommend you going a traditional AP/mage build because that will make you squishy as heck. It just doesn't work that well, I've tried it and sure it's fun but against decent oponents it's not very good at all.

Finally about his ult - your pretty much spot on there, someone on 200hp in a team fight will get taken down in one more hit, someone is gonna get them or they will be out of the fight completely. Save your ult if you didn't initiate a team fight with it. It's all about practice but after a few games you'll see what I mean :)

Just as a final thought, the skill order I've found to be most effective in lane is maxing your Q followed by E and with an early point(or 2, depends) in your W. Let me know how you get on.
Brill mate thanks for answering that, it's all well and good reading guides and that but unless you understand why you don't really get it so thanks for that.

So items which have a mix of AP/AD like Trinity's Force I think it's called are good?

E is the one that makes you see enemies below 50% health right? I'll give it a whirl, may even try jungling tonight on a bot match and then try online :D
For Lanewick there's a pretty nice list of items to choose from: Chalice of Harmony, Merc Threads, Sorc Shoes, Spirit Visage, Banshee's Veil, Sunfire Cape, Randuins Omen, Guardian Angel, Wits End, Malady, Madrads Bloodrazor.

I wouldn't venture outside that list (I could be missing maybe one item) and you'll do fine, just pick and choose as needed and you'll figure it out. Or come play a few games on mumble and I'll show you the ropes.
Had my first couple of solo queue games this evening, went real well :) starting to get the hang of things now i think, cheers to the guys on mumble last night for the tips and abuse ^^

Got a good idea of what items i need to be buying now and it does make one hell of a difference :)

Brill mate thanks for answering that, it's all well and good reading guides and that but unless you understand why you don't really get it so thanks for that.

So items which have a mix of AP/AD like Trinity's Force I think it's called are good?

E is the one that makes you see enemies below 50% health right? I'll give it a whirl, may even try jungling tonight on a bot match and then try online :D

No worries mate, practice a few games and you'll get a sense for what you need to build and how to adjust :)

The only real damage item I normally get is build towards a Madreds Bloodrazor, your job isn't really to deal out a billion dps but to disrupt their team and forcing the soft ones out of the fight, thats why I'll mainly go defensive items so I can stay in the fight for the duration - most people wont bother focusing a WW in team fights - and anyway with the bloodrazor and Q they both do percentage based damage which will be more than adequate.

Add me in game if you fancy a duo q - name is either Koukisx or sksy.
Well I went 7-3 on my last game.
Got the ring you mentioned and it was a great ring. We had a Noc jungling and with his ulti and mine we raped.
I got a spirit vesage thing, Madreds Bloodrazor and that was pretty much it last game. I was focusing their Soraka and dropping her in seconds and was generally picking off the people and stopping the big damage dealers in team fights.
Was fun!
Can't continue like this tbh - last night couldn't get in from 9pm, gave up at 10.30 :( Previous night it took an hour to get in. People going in early found themselves kicked off. pvp.net has to go.

Yup, I agree. I joined the queue at about 20:45, it indicated a 34 minute wait. After about 5 minutes that jumped up to 1 hour 55 minutes!

I've recently taken to just playing on the US server at EU peak times. Since that is where I started, I have a level 30 account, but I imagine that is not an option for many of you.

Hopefully after Dreamhack, and slowing down champion releases, Riot will devote some time to improving their hardware and network infrastructure.
Well I played as WW for 5 games last night, won 4.
I did well on all of my games apart from the last one which I died about 15 times!

Their team was

our team was

And I can't remember the last one, we got stomped though and it was mainly down to me playing so bad :(
So do the US servers not have this issue? Hard to believe that it's still going on this long in EU.

I certainly haven't encountered any issues on the US. I think it is a factor of me playing at off-peak times for the US and much improved server stability there.

They may well have issues of their own at peak US times (about midnight til 8am UK time I would imagine).
Well I played as WW for 5 games last night, won 4.
I did well on all of my games apart from the last one which I died about 15 times!

Their team was

our team was

And I can't remember the last one, we got stomped though and it was mainly down to me playing so bad :(

Well 4 wins out of 5 is bloody good to be fair!

Also in the one you lost, it's quite a tough team comp they have there, decent amount of area CC, oh I'm sure it's a typo but if not, it was 4v5 so no wonder :p
Well 4 wins out of 5 is bloody good to be fair!

Also in the one you lost, it's quite a tough team comp they have there, decent amount of area CC, oh I'm sure it's a typo but if not, it was 4v5 so no wonder :p

Yea I was with a good team, I was laning with Cho twice, Noc once and Sivir another - great combos.

Yea it was a very hard team, Veiger could drop anyone in one hit, Vayne rapped the high hell I just couldn't touch them. They seemed to focus me down!

I remember the last char now it was Anivar ( the bird ) and it was a 5v5! Haha

I'm enjoying WW a lot, great char slowly learning when to use the ulti to best effect, not a huge CD either which is nice.
They're really not doing themselves any favours. It's especially annoying seeing them give away large prizes when they're obviously not spending enough money on infrastructure.

I was going to get some RP last night to get a Corki skin but if it's going to start taking an hour to log in then I don't think I'll bother with LoL anymore.
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