as with all things asus they just wanted excuses to charge more than anyone else for the same mobo underneath. lets see, put in a £4 poor quality wireless card, call it a pro + wifi g board and add £30 to the price. hmm, we have cooling on northbride, southy and mosfets, i know lets join them up with a heatpipe, get rid of fans, say its 50x better than normal cooling and again, bump up price of boards way beyond the price it warranted.
then as with all things, every company has to "match" feature set, if someone offered free mice/running wheels to provide free power source for the mobo, then you can be damn sure 9 out of 10 other manufacturers would start to do it too. likewise is they offered 58 sata ports , so would someone else. other than poor cooling its just a pain for simple things, putting as5 or other thermal paste on northbridge now requires a heck of a lot more effort.
If you really want an idea for a good motherboard that overclockers might want, how about a barebones board, 4 sata ports, ditch ide now, 4 mem slots with a little spacing between, ditch pci slots, 2 pci-e thats it, cmos in a useful place with a front 5.25 bay box witch switch and cable to attach to cmos reset, battery for cmos right out the way of anything. onboard sound and lan, 2 usb, i guess 1 firewire. All the other stuff requires so many pins, ide/pci which would save a bunch of space, time money, and get rid of a lot of signal interference and leave lots of room on board for memory/cpu power circuitry.
i mean the 20 usb ports, 6 firewire and 4 e-sata on my gigabytes are all fine, but at some point i don't need all the pci brackets and cables with every board i buy, and i will never know who can use that many usb ports. Every board i've bought has tons of stuff i simply don't use. but you can rarely buy a £60 mobo with the power circuitry/caps/bios effort that the top end £160 board comes with. if someone made a £60-80 bare bones aimed for overclockers board and put effort into keeping bios's updated then it would sell loads.