Leaving rented property

18 Oct 2002
Is there a standard form available for leaving a rented property? What sort of information must one provide in it to make it legally valid and unchallengeable?
don't you just have to give 30days written notice of termination of your lease?

I'm not totally sure - I probably should be since I'm technically a landlord.
Ex-RoNiN said:
Is there a standard form available for leaving a rented property? What sort of information must one provide in it to make it legally valid and unchallengeable?

i wouldn't have thought you need to have a "legally valid" notification of cancelation of contract, unless you are trying to break it outside your notice period - pretty much the same as resigning from a job :)
Erm you have to write to your landlord/agent saying you're leaving - a normal letter is fine and you normally have to give at least 30 days notice. As long as you're entitled to leave under the terms of your tenancy agreement.

Check your lease - some say 60 days. The landlord can't challenge you if you have a general release break. But yes, check your lease!!
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Yeah I have a 2month notice period in the lease agreement. Do I need to refer to it or can I just say "im leaving in 2 months, bye!"

Do I need to inform my housemate (his name is also on the lease) in writing, or is verbal sufficient?
You can tell your housemate verbally but your housemate will have to take over ALL the rental payments though or find someone else to take your place.

With regard to finding someone else, your housemate will have to be legally allowed to sublet - I take it they may not be too chuffed about paying all the rent themsevles.
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If you BOTH serve notice [and there are only two of you living there] then you can break the lease after your two month notice period and not have to pay any future rent.
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