Lens Advice!

18 Oct 2002
Right i have to photograph the thursday opening night for a good mate of mine at the hotel/club complex i work in. He's a progressing DJ plays at many places in sheffield including Gatecrasher!

I am in need of a lens that is sharp and fast at large apeture inorder to take photos in such a dark environment, obviously i cannot spend an extremely silly amount but i can stretch a bit for a good lens to go on my Canon 10D for this occasion.

Any advice?

50mm 1.8 for £80 is the cheapest with biggest aperture you are going to get, use it with ISO 800 and a steady hand and hope for the best.

take a tripod and a flash with you as well, bounce it off ceiling or use a diffuser to even out the light.
The responses i thought i'd get, and i want the 1.4 but i just can't justify the cash :(.
W!ll said:
The responses i thought i'd get, and i want the 1.4 but i just can't justify the cash :(.

I think once you see the results from the lens you wont use it just the once ;)

To add to the above, I've seen a few good opinions of the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 HSM if the 50mm is too long. ~£290
Aye i wreally would prefer something that with digital crop is 50mm, not the 50mm which becoems 75mmish. . . I don't have that much disposable income!
SDK^ said:
Better option - Canon 50mm 1.4 - £350

Ive just picked one of these up for under £220 off ebay, brand new, its coming from Hong Kong and I may get charged import duty, but im sure it wont be £130.
W!ll said:
Aye i wreally would prefer something that with digital crop is 50mm, not the 50mm which becoems 75mmish. . . I don't have that much disposable income!

Life is all about compromise :)
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