License Query

2 Aug 2005
I have a colleague at work who is trying to save money by buying multiple Adobe CS Suite licenses, by buying 1 instead of 10.

His solution is to install it on one highly specced PCs and let the 10 users connect to via RDP to it from their computers, therefore they only need to buy 1 CS suite license, as opposed to 10.

I've informed him that its against the EULA of this, but can't find the part of the EULA which says this, can anyone help?

Depends on Adobe's license if its per user or per machine, i'm not 100% but pretty sure its per machine, so that should be fine.

Edit - just to point out that only one user would be able to use it any one time though afaik
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I _think_ from looking on the Adobe EULA site that it would be under section 2.4 as you would be making the application available on a "server" hence you need a license per user in the same way as you would have needed on per machine.

But I could very well be wrong ....

edit :
I looked at this linked to from here for Creative Suite 5.5
I'd be amazed if Adobe would let you use a single user license for 10 RDP sessions. Not to mention, I can't imagine it would be much fun for the users...
Thats exactly what I thought, seems like a major loophole really if you can get away with it. Technically, it wouldn't be a server, so is it applicable
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