Light-headed in the Gym

2 Oct 2004
London, NW1
Ok its been a while since I posted on the forums, but I figure there are plenty of experienced gym goers here so:

I now go to the gym 3 times a week.
Example standard session was (until I changed routine recently):

warm up: 1k run @ 7mph.
Stretch- 15mins or so
5k run, in 27/8mins on average.
Weights, depending on day, normally 3 or 4 muscle groups
another run of 2k.

That was my standard session until I decided to focus on anaerobic training.
My question is, I always get feint/light-headed in the gym, regardless of session intensity. the gym itself isnt that well ventilated and is normally quite hot.

I just cant understand why I keep getting feint in the gym tbh. And its not as though I've just started training either. I was going a lot (5times a week or so for 2years until I went to uni and the new gym which isnt well ventilated when I cut down to 2/3 times a week, and atm its 3x)

Anyone got any ideas?
Voltar said:
Ok its been a while since I posted on the forums, but I figure there are plenty of experienced gym goers here so:

I now go to the gym 3 times a week.
Example standard session was (until I changed routine recently):

warm up: 1k run @ 7mph.
Stretch- 15mins or so
5k run, in 27/8mins on average.
Weights, depending on day, normally 3 or 4 muscle groups
another run of 2k.

That was my standard session until I decided to focus on anaerobic training.
My question is, I always get feint/light-headed in the gym, regardless of session intensity. the gym itself isnt that well ventilated and is normally quite hot.

I just cant understand why I keep getting feint in the gym tbh. And its not as though I've just started training either. I was going a lot (5times a week or so for 2years until I went to uni and the new gym which isnt well ventilated when I cut down to 2/3 times a week, and atm its 3x)

Anyone got any ideas?

get a decent amount of carbs down you before you even go, i usually have a bowl of porridge.
That is an epic amount of work to put in one session. I would warm up with your run, do the weights and then go out for a run later in the day after this if you have to. It's just too much to be doing at once in my eyes. If you're exerting yourself a lot on the weights then this will completely deplete your energy levels and fry your CNS so just split it up throughout the day.

You need to make sure you're eating enough, taking in enough water and nutrients. Prior to a workout I'll have a protein shake, this is about 1 to 1.5 hours before depending on how busy I am. This shake will contain whey protein, about 50g, and roughly 120g of oats which will give me energy for the workout ahead and will stop me becoming light headed. I take other supplments too such as taurine, creatine, leucine but I presume you are not.

If the runs are making you feel light headed in the gym and it's very hot and 'stuffy' in there, then scrap the treadmill and run outside? You'll get more fresh air and it'll no doubt be more fun.

What do you normally eat before you workout? But you really should split up your effort through the day. If I was in the gym doing what you've just written down, I'm sure I would feel light headed.
sounds like it may be slightly low blood pressure, without getting to medicinal about it, or offering medical advice; get it checked I did. ;)
OK well with that session it would be just over 2hours worth.
I was taking creatine, fat metabolisers and protein shake. Whey protein shake ofc, but always after, the creatine before (and after as your meant to)

Erm I always try not to eat before (as in an 90mins or less before) gym as I always end up vomming or feeling queasy :o . I always always hydrate properly before the gym and during the session.

Low blood pressure is a possibility- i get cold hands and feet all the time. But I reckon it could be from the heat of the gym in question.
For some reason I prefer the controlled conditions of treadmills to outdoor running (for precise distance/speed etc monitors)

So I'm guessing you lot think that the intensity should be taken down? I find that even when I do that I get light-headed all the same.

Also I find that during shorter sessions I dont get the satisfaction nor do I feel tired or worked out.

Current sessions (for much less intensity):

same warm up
same stretches
1mile run
(taking monday as an eg) Chest sets, tricep sets, hamstring sets, and shoulder press. (I tend to do a total shoulder work out on fridays)
And then the other muscle groups on weds and fri.
1k row

this is more like 45min-1hr 30's worth (depending on q's for equipment)

Comments are all appreciated and if possible some more suggestions pls :D
Looks better to me. If you're going to weight training 3 times a week get yourself a decent routine down, you've actually got the right idea there for Monday, with chest, shoulders, and triceps. Train from largest muscle group to smallest, so Chest then shoulders then triceps. Personally I wouldn't have hamstring work in there as I'd train this on a dedicated leg day.

So if you're doing that work, and you wish to add more running in for the evening, there's no reason why you couldn't get back to the gym and use the treadmill or go pick yourself up a little equipment and go out running. (I know nothing about running).

Try and keep the workout around 1hr if you can. Pick yourself up some oats and add some to your shake 60-90 minutes before workout. This should mean that you will not feel sick from this as it's just basically drinking it and not eating a meal. Oats that you'll pick up from the shops are roughly 60% carbs so using your bodyweight and nutrient intake plan exactly the amount you will need to take in before the workout. After the workout have a shake with protein and a simple sugar and then 1 hour later eat a decent meal with protein and good carbs in.
i have always found there are 3 phases to going to the gym:

pre gym
in the gym
post gym

pre gym is preparing for the gym session, be it supplements or a light but carby meal
in the gym is keeping warm, but not hot, but mostly keeping my mouth wet. dehydration is a killer, small drops in hydration can have a big effect on how you perform in the gym. water water water!! take a 1ltr bottle with you to the gym, make sure you drink it (atleast). i generally end up drinking 1.5ltr sometimes more (if im doing DLs or squats then its more).
post gym is recovery, from immediate protein and fast release carbs to the post workout meal with decent carbs and protein (and any other supplements).

get any one of those wrong and you wont be getting the best that you can.

not preparing yourself enough will lead to poor performance
not performing leads to a waste of time, potentially not using all the pre workout carbs and protein up, meaning an excess being taken in over the whole day
not giving yourself the best recovery can lead to slow gains and even no gains.

^^ A very good post.

I don't know how you manage to drink that much water during a session with deads and squats though, I would bring some of that back up for sure! You know it's hardcore when you've got a sick bucket next to your squat rack :p I haven't had to use it for yonks btw.
i just have to have it really, after a set i can feel very light headed. some water (mixed with some sugar sometimes) is a great refresher.

plus the fact that im a hot person, i need to drink cold water to keep me cool!
Morba said:
i just have to have it really, after a set i can feel very light headed. some water (mixed with some sugar sometimes) is a great refresher.

plus the fact that im a hot person, i need to drink cold water to keep me cool!

Had an epic leg session yesterday, needed to compose myself at a couple of points I really felt like I was going to throw up :O That's what I get for drinking too much water during!

Is your hot comment meaning you feel the heat real easy, or is it some ego coming out! :p
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