Lightroom 4: Sliders now go the other way?

18 Oct 2002
Just doing some editing for the first time in LR4 (upgraded from 3.6) and I'm a little confused. The 'Blacks' slider in the develop tab now appears to go the opposite way that it used to!

Before, if I wanted the blacks boosted a little, I could move the slider to the right, and that did the job. Now, boosting the blacks means moving it to the left, and it's now called 'black clipping level'.

Am I going crazy, or did they really change this?
Yep, you're crazy, and they changed it :D

There are a lot of changes people are complaining about. You just reminded me to purchase it too. Spending £100 on a Saturday night and still sober. This is so wrong.
if you think about it, its more natural now....left to darken and right to lighten just like the Histogram.

yup it the same as what it is in cs5. if you go to the level adjustment, dark is left, light is right, and if remember my cs3 days it was the other way around.
Hmm, I'm not sure that makes any more sense than "left is less, right is more". Hence, 'Blacks', I want MORE blacks, so I move it to the right.

I don't know any more :(
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