Linksys WAG54GS problems

18 Oct 2002
Have recently bought one of these for one of our small branches. Its given the same problem since we first installed it.

For some reason every now and again it stops allowing the machines to connect to the internet. You can't reset it from the little button on the back or get into its web settings using 192 etc.

I think its overheating and locking up. It seems very hot to touch. It still allows LAN connection between the machines but no internet.

Anyone had this sort of problem before? Its a week old and I'm tempted to take it back to a competitor (would never buy from there normally but was in a hurry) for something else. I'm sure its going to keep giving trouble.
I had one of these - It is useless. Keeps turning itself on and off and generally a pain to use.

I updated the firmware and recently it's been awful - so I bought a new netgear router yesterday instead.
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