Linux-related humour for a Sunday morning

A good laugh lol especially this bit LMAO

"And guess what software Osama Bin Laden uses on his laptop?

If you guessed it was Linux you would be 100% right. Osama uses Linux because he knows designed to counterfit DVDs, curcumventing the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, and defraud companies like Disney."
I stopped taking this guy serious when I saw at the side of the page
Now that more and more democ-rats attack our great leader and president, George W Bush

But yep it's a really good troll, I nearly sprayed diet coke at my screen when I read the Osama Bin Laden bit - here are some more classic bits
If you see a company using Linux, it may be that they have not paid for this software
:/ - Someone buy this guy a clue.

Explain that Linux is a genuine threat and that by using it they may be opening their computer to Chinese hackers.

Number of viri/trojans available on Windows: 75,000+
Number of viri/trojans available on Linux: ummm a handful maybe? Even then they don't do much...

Another point, I wonder if the opinion would be same if the writer knew that Linus Torvalds now lives in the States (CA I believe). Love the link though, shall be passing this among the Linux friends. We all need a good laugh on a Sunday
The very first sentence is wrong.

"Like most things that are worth owning, Computers are an American invention."

Can't be bothered to read any more given that glaring mistake.

Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace are credited with the invention of computers. These were both English.
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