List Your Heavy/Speed/Thrash Metal

You may want to try a few of these:

At The Gates
Dark Tranquillity

If you do a search there are some threads from a few months ago with a lot of good recommendations too.
Killswitch and the like isn't any of the genres you listed :P

If you like stuff like KSE you might like throwdown and whatnot. Get your sXe hXc out :p
Neon said:
original singer sucks big time. howard all the way.

Excellent, time to hijack the thread and debate Jesse vs Howard. :D
First two albums have enough thrash/aggression to make it into listed genres imo. Is obviously the best thing the OP has heard since the 80s.
New killswitch is just lame embarrasing love songs!!!!
A5H said:
Killswitch and the like isn't any of the genres you listed :P

If you like stuff like KSE you might like throwdown and whatnot. Get your sXe hXc out :p

I used to kick with a few uXkXhXc types about eight years ago...Fun times.

Never understood why they all had backpacks though...perhaps they kept cushions in them...all that jumping around, beating seven shades of **** out of each other must get tiring...

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