Listening to the radio/music

3 Oct 2008
How often do you listen to the radio or watch the music channels on telly?

Also what is your favourite song at the moment? One you could just listen to on repeat?
Strangely enough, very rarely.

However today I discovered a good online station called Hard rock/80's/NU Metal 24/7 with no adverts. Great quality too.

Fav song at the moment is Seventh Star by Black Sabbath. I can guarantee nobody else will share that with me :p
Radio - Very rarely, I do use Spotify a lot though, so that could be classes as the same thing.
Music Channels - Never

Favourite song right now is either Free Life by Dan Wilson or Mr McGee by Zero 7, however I have dozens of "favourites" that I could listen to on repeat and regularly do just that.
Radio is usually on in the kitchen just as background noise but otherwise I'll have my own music on.

Never watch music channels.

Mumford & Sons - Little Lion Man
I listen to the radio when I wake up, whilst Im getting ready and in the car to work. I then listen to the radio during the drive home from work.

Never watch the music channels on TV.

Currently dont have a song I can listen to over and over, but am very much liking Plan B's album.
Radio - Radio 2 bores me now and I get violent urges if I listen to Radio 1 for any amount of time, so it's local commercial radio for me. Trouble is they all play the same stuff and currently it's usually Adele (again and again and again). :(

Telly - Music TV never grabbed me, even in the 80's.

Current fave song - Blondie - Call Me.
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