LittleBigPlanet getting all the attention!

Game of the year 2008? Rather optimistic if you ask me. Mind you, how many games have been announced for 2008 release dates that have preview videos flying around the web already (also helped by Sony's PR machine no doubt).

By 2008 we should finally have a decent catalog of PS3 games available. :)
LLBDTiberio said:
I looked at the GDC footage and after having watched this I can now safely say that I will be getting a PS3.

Just for the 1 game?

I'll admit, I had no interest in the PS3 what so ever but since seeing LittleBigPlanet it has interested me a lot.

If they can come out with say 5 games like that then I'll consider buying one when the price goes down.
I watched the video, looked very interesting and unique, but at the same time.... boring quickly? Only so much can be done i feel; would love to have a play around though!
McDaniel said:
I watched the video, looked very interesting and unique, but at the same time.... boring quickly?

Yes and No I would think.

Boring if you just like playing games and then...thats it.

Exciting if you like being creative etc.
smcshaw said:
As I've said elsewhere it looks like a fun little arcade game but hardly game of the year. Bioshock, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey; now we're talking.

Exactly, i think people are getting a little bit over excited, mainly because it is the first original and interesting game to be announced for the PS3.
That said, we are all hoping the Bioshock, Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey are not delayed enough to be pushed back in to 2008.

It will, however, be competing with MGS4, DMC4 and FFXIII on the PS3 ALONE, let alone the games coming out for other platforms. It won't even get close to PS3 game of the year.

Commendations to the designers though, it does look good, original and fun. I think i would get bored quickly too though.
isn't there a game with a similar name that was on the PC and PS1? had really cartoony graphics and was an adventure game. Can't remember it tho
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