LittleBigPlanet, for the PlayStation 3, is already being described as the game of 2008 and by some as the first game to make the console a must buy.
I think it's a great game too!
LittleBigPlanet, for the PlayStation 3, is already being described as the game of 2008 and by some as the first game to make the console a must buy.
wiltonson said:
LLBDTiberio said:I looked at the GDC footage and after having watched this I can now safely say that I will be getting a PS3.
McDaniel said:I watched the video, looked very interesting and unique, but at the same time.... boring quickly?
smcshaw said:As I've said elsewhere it looks like a fun little arcade game but hardly game of the year. Bioshock, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey; now we're talking.