Local shop attitude towards out of date goods...

19 Dec 2003

I just went off to the post office, and thought on the way back i'd get a tin of Heinz Ravioli from the local shop for lunch (Im obsessed with it at the moment!)

Anyway, I noticed some of the tins had 'New improved flavour' on the Heinz label bit, so naturally picked that one up.

I had a look at the ones without that new label, and they went out of date on the 3-2006 :rolleyes: :eek:

There was more than one tin of the old batch left too!

I took one tin down to the till when I went to pay for the other one, and just said to them "This ones out of date I thought id bring it down"

I literally got nothing at all from the lady behind the till, no 'Thanks for that' nothing, literally, she just took the tin, looked at the date, then put it aside, then scanned the new tin through like a robot.
In fact, she looked at me like I was an Alien of some sort!
I didnt want the highest praise, a simple thanks would have been enough!

I used to work in Sainsburys as a shop floor shelf stacker so I do tend to check these things more than the average person, but even so, is it so bad to do that lol, I mean, some poor sod could end up buying that, and isnt it against the law?!
Nothing wrong with it, 2 months out of date for a tinned product? And what do you want her to do about it? Start crying that is was left on the shelf out of date.

Yeah I used to work in a supermarket also. :D
At the very least, she should have thanked you for letting her know, and reassure you the rest of the tins will be checked ASAP.

Did you tell her there were more?

I didnt tell her there was more simply because of her attitude, so if health and safety check that, thats there problem now.

I know a lot of sell by dates are exagerated, but I wouldnt eat anything 1 day out of date, tinned or not, let alone 2 months lol :D
the food will be fine if it has been kept stocked appropriately.
sell by date != use by date
If I recall correctly, if inspected by any of the food safety agencies, the store would get fined something like £1000 for each out of date item on the shelf - it was drummed into us when I worked at woolies to check the crisps weekly as they're the things most likely to go out of date without people noticing
Takhisis said:
If I recall correctly, if inspected by any of the food safety agencies, the store would get fined something like £1000 for each out of date item on the shelf - it was drummed into us when I worked at woolies to check the crisps weekly as they're the things most likely to go out of date without people noticing
That is correct, plus a fine on top of that for having any products out of date if it is proved that dates are not properly checked i'm sure. Iirc one of the local supermarkets a few years ago got fined about £25000 :eek:
A local cash and carry pretty much specialises in out of date goods.
They sell 24 500ml bottles of tango, fanta etc for 99p!!
She gets paid £5.05 an hour to sit and put tins through a till all day.

Do you really expect her to complete this task with complete enthusiasm?
Many valid points raised here.

Although I think to myself, why do it if she's unhappy doing it, im sure theres plenty of people who need the money who'd be able to put a smile on their face or even say thanks if they were doing that job.

I'd say there was about 6 or 7 tins minimum out of date, so thats, what £6000 fine :eek:
[TW]Fox said:
She gets paid £5.05 an hour to sit and put tins through a till all day.

Do you really expect her to complete this task with complete enthusiasm?

Well, the firm could be trying to motivate her in other ways, but it doesn't seem like it's working.
SeanyK said:
Although I think to myself, why do it if she's unhappy doing it, im sure theres plenty of people who need the money who'd be able to put a smile on their face or even say thanks if they were doing that job.

Because that is all there is, or all that she can get. Myself and probably 85% of the people I know who work/worked in supermarkets or other menial jobs are way over qualified. But that is all you can find. Wouldn't you be ***** off? The only two people I know of that is happy in the job are simple.

Yeah it would be great if everyone is given a job they want, good pay, managers and other employees you get on well with. When I did work at the supermarket every day was ****, the supervisors and managers never left you alone- I'm not talking about telling you what to do next of course, it's always moaning, gettting you to work overtime without pay because you worked slow (yeah right I did more work than two or three people) harassment, giving you orders that means I would be breaking the law, or complaining and making your time their miserable. I won't go into details but suffice to say I quit before smashing their faces in.
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