Loft Tank De-Scale Question

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
One for all the plumbers in here! Just having our downstairs lav replaced and the guy had a look at the tank in the loft. He then told my Mrs that it was half filled with scale and that we really should have a water softener fitted. He then gave her some brochures and quoted her a price of £1000 to fit it.

I have thought about having one of these softeners fitted before but the way he explained it to my Mrs was that it needs to be done or else! Is there a way I can de-scale the loft tank myself?
What was the point of replying?

poops and giggles, but seriously, you could empty the tank, chuck some cillit bang on to clear off the limescale, rinse the whole thing VERY thoroughly and job done. as for water softners etc, not a clue where to start on them :)
Well, you did post in GD...

Sorry, could you move it to the plumbing forum for me then?

Yeah, it was slightly funny but just not the answer I expected/wanted. I did forget that the kids are off school this week though ;)
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Sorry, could you move it to the plumbing forum for me then?

Yeah, it was slightly funny but just not the answer I expected/wanted. I did forget that the kids are off school this week though ;)

my mum tells me I'm cool and smart and handsome :p
If you are only concerned about the header in the attick a new tank is ~£60 inc the lid.

Without knowing what softener he is recommending it's hard to comment on it but I would suspect a £500ish electric model fitted for a grand seems likely :(
If its a galvanised tank then leave it well alone unless you are going to replace it with a plastic tank inc bylelaw 30 kit.

Galvanised tanks look shocking inside because the metal surface gives itself up for corrosion to make a protective barrier. So dont clean 'em. And dont drink the hot water neither, legionella and all that stuff.

£1000 is a complete joke. End of. He is trying to get a lovely big peice of referal comission.

Tell me - what is the tank made of? Asbestos tanks were used right up until the 1990s. Id check.

(im a building surveyor).
Actually, just noticed where you live. If the water is anything like it is down the road in Westbury I would get a water softener! and look into having you heating system and appliances descaled.
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