Logitech diNovo Laser Media Desktop range

24 Dec 2002

ive just recieved my DiNovo desktop and i must say the quality of the product is great.... But!!!

i decided on spending that little bit more due to the fact its advertised as upto 10m range with the intention of leaving my base unit where it is in my conservatory and using my 10M VGA cable to link into my TV but as soon as i walk into my living room about 4 meters max i the signal from the mouse?

is there any way to increase the signal of the bluetooth

i am thinking of getting a USB extention and placing it next to the window between the living room and the conservatory does anyone know if this will help (the dongle is currently round the back of my base unit inside a cabinet so i cant see how it wont help slightly)

or would a longer range dongle be the right way to go??

p.s i know i cant really complain as its upto 10m but i thought bluetooth could pass through walls???
I can get around 8 metres on my mx5000 bluetooth keyboard and mouse. It'll only get around 10m in direct line of sight, like any other wireless device, obstacles will prevent you getting the maximum range.
Extending the dongle a couple of metres will help it, especially as it will be outside of the cabinet, taking away another obstacle in the way
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