Logitech Z-5500 possibly fubar :(

9 Oct 2006
My brand new Logitech Z-5500 system arrived on Wed this week so I plugged it all in like is said in the manual, turned it on and it worked fine. Yesterday I used it for a short period of time for some CoD4 and when I went to turn it on today there was no life from it. I have checked the fuse on the plug and even changed the cable to see if that made any difference but it still doesnt work. I dont have a multimeter here so I cant check the fuse in the actual system.

When I switch them on at the back on the sub which is the main power button Im supposed to see a red ring around the power button on the controller unit but it stays unlit and I cant turn it on. Has any1 else experienced a similar event? What should I do?


Logitech used to state that a 4a fuse was alright to use before they got battered on the forums by EU users who had tried it and screwed their systems because the 4a fuses are just for the americans and all EU users were advised to use a 2a fuse :p
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