I work for a large FMCG company who produce some of the top brands you see in the high street and grocery retail sectors.
A colleague and I supply one retailer; he supplies them with brands from one of our categories whilst I supply them with brands from the other. The retailer in question has a buying alliance with a smaller company who usually buy our products from them.
My colleague who supplies them started to investigate supplying the smaller retailer directly, which is completely fine with the larger retailer and has massive benefits for both parties. He stated at this point in time that he didn't mind getting them setup to order from us and get contact names for me to speak to.
I receive the contact from him and we get test orders through to prove that we can ship to them, so off I go to meet my contact and discuss range, promotions and an annual support plan. I set all this up myself, list several new lines above what the other retailer who used to supply them took and have a full promotional plan in place.
Several months after going direct supply, we receive another order from the retailer and my colleague mentions rather sarcastically that he finds it funny that the invoice sales turnover with on my category are higher than his despite he was the one who got everything setup. We get a % of the invoice sales as a bonus for the first year on new business.
It's our year end at the end of this month and I come into work today and my manager pulls me into an office to discuss something with me. My colleague has approached his manager and said he thinks’ it's unfair I receive any bonus as he thinks’ he's solely responsible for the new business.
His manager has then approached his line manager, who has decided that the invoice sales should be split in half and the % paid out to each of us. This effectively hemorrhages my bonus and increases his. This decision was made without any input from me.
My manager fought my corner in the discussion and said the invoice sales number on my side was larger because of the new lines I listed and plans I put in place and followed through with over the 6 months. I told him I wasn't prepared to accept this, so he sent an email back to his manager and my colleague’s line manager to explain I wasn't happy.
I went to the water fountain at work to fill my bottle of water up and my colleague comes past me and shoulder barges me. This is usually his sense of humour but I could tell there was more in it than usual. He and his line manager get on very well and I believe my colleague thought he had got a result with obtaining part of my bonus until his line manager had forwarded the email from my manager explaining I was going to contest the decision.
I feel a bit victimised if I'm honest. I've quite junior, my role is to support two managers who supply the largest retailer in the UK and I also have two smaller accounts to work on myself for experience, one of which is in massive growth since I've looked after it. If this was someone else looking after the smaller retailer in question - I know my colleague wouldn't try it on with them.
Feel as if I should approach both my colleague and his line manager and state I would have appreciated being included in the discussion or being approached first instead of being last to know?
A colleague and I supply one retailer; he supplies them with brands from one of our categories whilst I supply them with brands from the other. The retailer in question has a buying alliance with a smaller company who usually buy our products from them.
My colleague who supplies them started to investigate supplying the smaller retailer directly, which is completely fine with the larger retailer and has massive benefits for both parties. He stated at this point in time that he didn't mind getting them setup to order from us and get contact names for me to speak to.
I receive the contact from him and we get test orders through to prove that we can ship to them, so off I go to meet my contact and discuss range, promotions and an annual support plan. I set all this up myself, list several new lines above what the other retailer who used to supply them took and have a full promotional plan in place.
Several months after going direct supply, we receive another order from the retailer and my colleague mentions rather sarcastically that he finds it funny that the invoice sales turnover with on my category are higher than his despite he was the one who got everything setup. We get a % of the invoice sales as a bonus for the first year on new business.
It's our year end at the end of this month and I come into work today and my manager pulls me into an office to discuss something with me. My colleague has approached his manager and said he thinks’ it's unfair I receive any bonus as he thinks’ he's solely responsible for the new business.
His manager has then approached his line manager, who has decided that the invoice sales should be split in half and the % paid out to each of us. This effectively hemorrhages my bonus and increases his. This decision was made without any input from me.
My manager fought my corner in the discussion and said the invoice sales number on my side was larger because of the new lines I listed and plans I put in place and followed through with over the 6 months. I told him I wasn't prepared to accept this, so he sent an email back to his manager and my colleague’s line manager to explain I wasn't happy.
I went to the water fountain at work to fill my bottle of water up and my colleague comes past me and shoulder barges me. This is usually his sense of humour but I could tell there was more in it than usual. He and his line manager get on very well and I believe my colleague thought he had got a result with obtaining part of my bonus until his line manager had forwarded the email from my manager explaining I was going to contest the decision.
I feel a bit victimised if I'm honest. I've quite junior, my role is to support two managers who supply the largest retailer in the UK and I also have two smaller accounts to work on myself for experience, one of which is in massive growth since I've looked after it. If this was someone else looking after the smaller retailer in question - I know my colleague wouldn't try it on with them.
Feel as if I should approach both my colleague and his line manager and state I would have appreciated being included in the discussion or being approached first instead of being last to know?