looking for a good surround sound system?

23 Jan 2008
hi all im looking for a good surround sound system 7.1 i don't wont to spend £1000s for spekers and amp and sub im looking for a complete set that has good sound and is loud speakers any one know any good set's?
Whats the budget roughly and what are you connecting to it?

If its about £400 id say get this before its sold out


Then get a set of speakers that go well with Sony

Tannoy speakers

Incredible system for half nothing there

I did almost exactly this a few years ago, got the previous set of Tannoy 5.1s (with the centre speaker the same as the others, EX51 I think) for about that money from Richer and a Sony amp for about £130 - I've had the setup ever since and it sounds fantastic and cost me just a shade over £300.

The only reason I might change something is I might get a new amp with HDMI inputs at some point.
Richer sounds recomeneded me the TANNOY SFX5.1 aswell.
to go along with a YAMAHA RXV467 £270 though.

while someone on the avforums said about the JAMO A102 HCS5 for speakers instead. Though on the AVForums they say don't just go on what other people say as the speakers might sound bad to you. Got a Richer Sounds store nearby so when purchasing ours will go in. Though it's not like they will have all the equipment to see/hear anyway so not sure how that works out. For our budget of £600 ish
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Tannoy are a fantastic set of speakers. There the best ive ever owned. They suit a Sony amp as apparently a Sony Amp sounds very "bright" :) . thats what i was told when buying and they were 100% right.

Im sure they will be just as good with a Yamaha as its down to the Sony amp and not the speakers

Only thing about them is the grilles are grey and not black so might mess up a black themed setup if that bothers you
I've no idea but the Onkyo is very capable and I'm just surprised you didn't know that. All you need is a decent set of speakers and away you go. ;)
ive only just strated geting in to my sound systems and that don't know much about them yet. is the TANNOY F3 CUSTOM any good as well that will make it 7.1 then?
No point in buying another amp if you have an Onkyo. What speakers have you got? You would be better buying matching speakers to add the other 2 channels

However i think its not really worth going to 7.1 as the improvement is minimal. Unless you really have nothing else to spend the cash on and just need to buy something
No point in buying another amp if you have an Onkyo. What speakers have you got? You would be better buying matching speakers to add the other 2 channels

However i think its not really worth going to 7.1 as the improvement is minimal. Unless you really have nothing else to spend the cash on and just need to buy something
the speakers are very cheap so i wont to buy sum better ones and my sum only cost £8 lol
If the budget allows id go for the Tannoy SFX 5.1

Iv read reviews saying there better than most £500 speaker sets.

There definitely the best speakers ive ever owned. the attention to detail and quality is immense. Music and films are incredible

Get yourself a good Asus soundcard aswell and youll be absolutely sorted
The Q-Acoustics 1010i 5.1 are worth a listen. Have you got a Richer Sounds nearby? It's well worth a visit as they will demo a few options within your budget. :)
I hate this thread so much. I have never had a 5.1 system, not even a cheapo one box one... but its just the wrong time and that Sony receiver and speaker package is ideal for me.

I'm going to go cry in the corner and pretend this thread never happened. I will just have to console myself that getting debt free will be more liberating and open up my options when I do finally get myself a system.
is that amp better than a okeyoTX-NR807 as i have one ive just bin useing for my CD Player

I havent heard the Sony so I cant comment on whether it is better or not, I do own a TX-NR807 which is a very competent amplifier, with superb staging. I run mine 5.1 with a set of KHT-2005.2's and it sounds fantatstic. I run it with Sky+HD, Wii, Sony BDS370 and XBox360 connected to a 42" Panny Plasma. Personally I'd just look at any of the speakers recommended
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