Looking for a job sucks.

24 Aug 2004
As title says, its sucks, truly does. Been job hunting since March/April with no luck! Graduated in July with a degree in Network Computing and stupidly thought i would get a job soon afterwards, unfortunately doesnt work like that.

I knew it would take a long time i have grown sick of agencies arsing me around! :( ive been a "possible candidate" for a job for nearly a month while they sort out a "shortlist of candidates" ..... closing date for application was 3 weeks ago.

Heard nothing back from the agency in over a week and i know i should email but i know the response already.

I thought doing a year of voluntary work during my degree would make things slightly easier (i volunteered at a local high school with the IT team) but nope :(

Anyone got any good job sites that are update frequently? the ones i go to;
s1jobs, jobserve, planetrecruit seem to be ok, monster is utter tosh it seems.

My cv isnt too bad i think.

Just seem to be really struggling and getting really down about it :(

Just wrote this to see if anyone else who had graduated recently was in the same boat, would make me feel better as i wasn't alone.

Cheers.(sorry for long rant :p)
kind of in the same boat... Though i'm waiting to hear back from PhD applications so i dont want to do anything else till i know.

i know i'll probably not get them so i'll be job hunting after september :p

however i'm probably gonna go back to tesco - build up some money - do a masters next september when i can afford it.
Yeah. Good idea, thankfully i can go full time at my job, which i hate! :( meh.

Its the whole concept of "sorry you need experience".... bloody catch 22.
reed.co.uk and cwjobs.co.uk arn't bad.

Have you tried applying to local colleges and schools to build up some experience? Thats what ive been doing.
Took me about 6 months to get a decent job - the first 3 were ******* about, a month to get my CV in order a month to learn how it all worked and a month to actually find a job. My major successes were with a gradute recruitment firm who were really good and with jobserve.

I thought my CV was good - until my dad and 2 of my friends who both had high paid jobs in the city looked at it - now I've learned the error of my ways.

With jobserve I sent my CV off and phoned immediately after - I also had a customised search looking for job descriptions that would suit me. This ment that within a few hours of the job being posted I'd sent my CV and phoned the contact. I got about 2-3 interviews a week by the time I was good at it.

I hope this helps some.
I think a lot of people who graduated are in the same boat, one of the reasons I tried uni and it wasn't for me.

Which uni did you goto?

IMO one of the biggest and most underrated bonuses of certain unis is the ties they have with local companies and the rate at which graduates get jobs in the sectors they want.
brocksta said:
reed.co.uk and cwjobs.co.uk arn't bad.

Have you tried applying to local colleges and schools to build up some experience? Thats what ive been doing.

I did some voluntary work last year at my old high school, but havent gone back. Might try emailing some local schools & colleges. Worth a shot :) cheers.
Skyfall said:
I think a lot of people who graduated are in the same boat, one of the reasons I tried uni and it wasn't for me.

Which uni did you goto?

IMO one of the biggest and most underrated bonuses of certain unis is the ties they have with local companies and the rate at which graduates get jobs in the sectors they want.

Went to Napier Uni in Edinburgh.

I know what you mean with regards to why you didnt go into University. But the only reason i went to Uni was because after doing an HND i couldnt find a job. so, off to Uni went.
I've started my own business fixing PC's locally while job hunting. It's good cause I can earn money and also attend interviews - unfortunately, I've also found agencies useless, and this does seem to be an ongoing saga.
Chris Beard said:
Took me about 6 months to get a decent job - the first 3 were ******* about, a month to get my CV in order a month to learn how it all worked and a month to actually find a job. My major successes were with a gradute recruitment firm who were really good and with jobserve.

I thought my CV was good - until my dad and 2 of my friends who both had high paid jobs in the city looked at it - now I've learned the error of my ways.

With jobserve I sent my CV off and phoned immediately after - I also had a customised search looking for job descriptions that would suit me. This ment that within a few hours of the job being posted I'd sent my CV and phoned the contact. I got about 2-3 interviews a week by the time I was good at it.

I hope this helps some.

You phoned the agency after sending out the application? Never thought about that. May i ask what would you say when phoning up.

Many thanks.
If your looking for a job from a agency then here are a few tips, well tips that i have found work for me.

Most agencies dont have a job, they want your CV to add to their collection.

The more you ring the agent, the more your hopes of a job go up as if you dont ring then your not really after one, in the mind of the agent.

Even if you dont fit the bill for the job advertised, go for it any way.

If your not getting jobs from the ones your sending for, your either 1, going for the wrong job type, 2 going for to highly paid job or 3 not sounding convincing enough in your emails or phone calls to the agent.

Or do like i did, go for lower paid work - rollout is fun, get the experiance and then add it to your Cv, the Qualification you have is nice, but experience counts for a lot.

Good luck and keep going!

colinuk said:
If your looking for a job from a agency then here are a few tips, well tips that i have found work for me.

Most agencies dont have a job, they want your CV to add to their collection.

The more you ring the agent, the more your hopes of a job go up as if you dont ring then your not really after one, in the mind of the agent.

Even if you dont fit the bill for the job advertised, go for it any way.

If your not getting jobs from the ones your sending for, your either 1, going for the wrong job type, 2 going for to highly paid job or 3 not sounding convincing enough in your emails or phone calls to the agent.

Or do like i did, go for lower paid work - rollout is fun, get the experiance and then add it to your Cv, the Qualification you have is nice, but experience counts for a lot.

Good luck and keep going!


Thanks for the advice, i'll keep all that in mind.

Cheers colin :)
Gigi said:
As title says, its sucks, truly does. Been job hunting since March/April with no luck! Graduated in July with a degree in Network Computing and stupidly thought i would get a job soon afterwards, unfortunately doesnt work like that.

I knew it would take a long time i have grown sick of agencies arsing me around! :( ive been a "possible candidate" for a job for nearly a month while they sort out a "shortlist of candidates" ..... closing date for application was 3 weeks ago.

Heard nothing back from the agency in over a week and i know i should email but i know the response already.

I thought doing a year of voluntary work during my degree would make things slightly easier (i volunteered at a local high school with the IT team) but nope :(

Anyone got any good job sites that are update frequently? the ones i go to;
s1jobs, jobserve, planetrecruit seem to be ok, monster is utter tosh it seems.

My cv isnt too bad i think.

Just seem to be really struggling and getting really down about it :(

Just wrote this to see if anyone else who had graduated recently was in the same boat, would make me feel better as i wasn't alone.

Cheers.(sorry for long rant :p)

Sorry to hear that mate. But seriously if you're degree is from a top uni you WILL get employed soon.

I stick to my general comment, anyone with above BBB at A-Level and a degree => 2.2 will get employed (and from a top 20 uni). I don't know of anyone at that level who didn't find a job after 6 months of graduation.

If you have less than BBB at Alevel expect less than 18,000

I have 4 highers, and have an ordinary degree. I didnt want to go onto Honours as i didnt feel what they taught in honours would be beneficial. I wanted to get the experience than sit in a classroom.

Unfortunately i didnt go to a top Uni, so im not in the level you described.
I didn't go to a top uni either, nor did I get brilliant A level results CDDD, but I got a job not long after uni earning much more that 18K.

Keep your head up, you'll find something,
loopylou said:
I didn't go to a top uni either, nor did I get brilliant A level results CDDD, but I got a job not long after uni earning much more that 18K.

Keep your head up, you'll find something,

Cheers, put a smile back on my face :)
Gigi said:
I have 4 highers, and have an ordinary degree. I didnt want to go onto Honours as i didnt feel what they taught in honours would be beneficial. I wanted to get the experience than sit in a classroom.

Unfortunately i didnt go to a top Uni, so im not in the level you described.

I'm not judging.

It's difficult to find the kind of employment you may want against the competition. Out of the top 20 you're looking at 4,000 + graduates in CS alone.

Of course some will get jobs, but when I graduated most jobs wanted a 2.1 and above BBB (PWC etc...)

Sure you'll find something though, and good luck!

I didn't mean to worry you! :)
loopylou said:
What sort of jobs are you looking for? Have you tried your local council? They always seem to have jobs going.

Looking for 1st Line support, helpdesk support related jobs.

I have checked my councils website but all they are looking for are teachers or assistants or social workers atm.

I know ill get one eventually, but its the experience that is killing me.
try the major agencies, computer people, futures hays IT ect. send them a cv and a cover letter saying you have a degree, now you need experince and willing to do anything as you have no money coming in. Go for the £10 an hour jobs for a month or two, see if you like it, if your good at it, then look for full time work. Tell the agencies your after full time work, it can be done.

Ive been doing contracting for 11 years, all i have is a NVQ3, if i can do it, im dam sure you can with a bit of elbow grease and lots of phone calls, phone calls are your friend, at least 4 or 5 a day...

just do it! lol....

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