Looking for cheaper insurance...

22 Jan 2005
N Ireland
I just got insurance renewal today....for my bog standard 2001 Ford Mondeo TDDI...wait for it...£790! :mad:

My insurance provider is Ford Insure. Not sure if it's any good but it's under Norwich Insurance.

I have no claim bonus for 7 years, the only road offence I had in last 5 years is 3 points for crossing double white line. I'm 30!

My friend told me about how good Elephant is, I'm going to check it out. Is there any other respectable insurance company?
Wow, just called other insurance company and I got £370 Full Comp! :eek:

Ford Insure is unbelievable rip-off! I remembered called around few companies a couple of years ago and couldn't get any cheaper than Ford Insurer. It could be either that the things changed around or I picked out the wrong companies for quote!
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