Looking for good overclocking board for my Q6600

6 Mar 2007
At the moment I have a P5n-E Sli which cannot overclock the Q6600 above 2.8ghz.

Am looking at a motherboard that will achieve a good overclock while being at the £100 barrier max. It should also be able to seat a Tuniq 120 while leaving space for my GTX 260. I am not in need of SLI.

Was looking at this board http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-143-AB&tool=3

Any good? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

The one you picked out should do the job well, I hear the abit P35 motherboards love to OC. But they have closed down, so if you have any issues down the line you might be lacking support. Otherwise P43/P45 chipset motherboards are the way to go. Anything by Asus or gigabyte should see you well.

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