Looking for people to play with

11 Jul 2005
Ive recently realised that all the people I used to play with have disappeared. Thus I am looking for new people to play some online games with. Ive got most games and would be willing to purchase a new game if it really appeals to me, ive tried playing Lotro however i get bored easily when playing on my own. also tried star trek online which i loved the idea of but again i reckon it gets boring pretty quickly by yourself with what seems to be easy to level. Got 2 level 80's on WoW and dont plan to reroll till Cata, and even then i find it boring currently. So please OCuK help me pick up a new game (or one ive tried) with some new friends :D
I am kinda upset, it only dawned on me that since all my mates have gone to different uni's i hardly see/play online with them anymore. so i thought make some new freinds for when im on and about
Ive recently realised that all the people I used to play with have disappeared. Thus I am looking for new people to play some online games with. Ive got most games and would be willing to purchase a new game if it really appeals to me, ive tried playing Lotro however i get bored easily when playing on my own. also tried star trek online which i loved the idea of but again i reckon it gets boring pretty quickly by yourself with what seems to be easy to level. Got 2 level 80's on WoW and dont plan to reroll till Cata, and even then i find it boring currently. So please OCuK help me pick up a new game (or one ive tried) with some new friends :D

I'm getting WoW cata for the festive period, so between looking on Steam and playing the Baldur's gate compilation I'll be re-rolling, let me know when you plan to re-roll and what server you'll be on ;)
If I was in your position I would possibly consider minecraft, have not played it myself by seems a decent ocuk following. I stopped wow 6 months ago and enjoying the break, about a month to go and i might give it another whirl.
all my internet gamer friends moved on aswell... think its mainly due to the ammount of crap mmos and nothing good coming out though....
we did eve for years , did eq2 at launch , some of us did wow, WAR was suposed to be our savior but we realised it was crap at end game very fast and everyone drifted apart after that seeing as there has been no "good" mmos to bring us back together..

there just isnt enough good games around these days to hold people together imo
@davewhite04 : yeh im thinking about a re-roll when cata hits, message me via trust and ill add you to steam or something.

@ arknor : Absolutly the same position myself and my friends are in, they cant be bothered to play as there are no "really" good games atm, im really feeling an MMO but cant really decide as i got no one to play with.
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