Lost my P60

1 Oct 2007
So I was on my way to the tax office with my P60 the other day to put in a claim for a tax rebate. I don't have a clue how I lost it. It was folded up in my back pocket on its own (my wallet in the other). I either dropped it in town somehow or its been stolen.

Is there anything I should be concerned about? I can only think of my national insurance number & possibly address details being on it, anything else?

And how would I go about getting another one? I guess I'll have to go to the wages & cash department of my employer?
*bump* anyone know which legislation trescodrucey is on about? Vonhelmet?

ive been told by payroll (from both employers) in no uncertain terms that YES i would have to pay for copies of my p60 (for previous years)

they said that they dont keep a copy of the P60 they send it off to the inland revenue they dont hold them.
Sure they can print off some figures but not the actual p60
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