Loudest Smart phone

18 Jan 2004
Sunny Scotland
Looking at a new decent spec phone for my grandma as her Samsung is an older one and struggling. The thing is she's having some serious issues with her ears just now so I'm looking for a smart phone with the best loud speaker for ringing and also a loud ear speaker.

Anyone know if any that are really loud or websites that measure the DB of the speakers?
Would it not be more useful to invest in some decent hearing aids? Benefits more than just phone use then.
She has decent hearing aids but is having recurrent infections in her ears and as such is told to not use them as much as possible. She's not deaf but just hard of hearing without them. Thanks for responding though. Been having a look at reviews and not found any that give consistent feedback on the volume of ringers or ear speakers in DB yet.
Thanks for the suggestion Brendy and Jsmoke. managed to find some DB lists on gsm arena. Not a giant searchable one but when you go into certain reviews they give comparisons very handy.
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