Love and lust.

21 Oct 2002
So I thought I'd throw these questions I have been pondering for days now due to various reasons, out to the folks at GD.
Do you know when your in love as opposed to 'in lust' with some one? Are they one and the same or does lust spawn love? I know there is not a definitive yes no answer to these sort of questions but with the variety of people on these boards I hope there will be some 'educating' answers.
Love is supposed to be when you would want to be with that person for the rest of your life, and lust is just wanting to bang them repeatedly. That's my understanding, but then I don't believe in the concept of love in that context particularly, so I might not be the best person to ask.
Generally i find that lust lasts for the first month or two (depending on how hot she is), after this comes love. It's the thing that keeps you together when you're both broke and neither fancies getting it on etc.
Carzy said:
Love is supposed to be when you would want to be with that person for the rest of your life, and lust is just wanting to bang them repeatedly. That's my understanding, but then I don't believe in the concept of love in that context particularly, so I might not be the best person to ask.

What if you wanna bang them repeatedly for the rest of your life? :o
Carzy said:
Love is supposed to be when you would want to be with that person for the rest of your life, and lust is just wanting to bang them repeatedly. That's my understanding, but then I don't believe in the concept of love in that context particularly, so I might not be the best person to ask.
Nice simple answer but I would like to hear what context you do belive in love.
Love is when you think about someone constantly, when you don't even realise it, you could look at the most innocuous thing and somehow form a connection between that and the person you love. When you love someone, you could be sitting doing absolutely nothing, watching paint dry with them and not be bored or rather be anywhere else. You feel safest with someone you love, you can count on them to help you out of a tricky situation, to cheer you up, more so than anyone else. When you love someone you don't find yourself disappointed in them, you can make compromises, have arguments, disagree with them without bearing a grudge or it making any long lasting fuss, you love the other person as much for their qualities as for their faults.

Lust is when you objectify (right word?) someone, and more often than not, when you want them in bed, or at least wanting them in some intimate physical way.

Just my opinion. How cheesy was the love part; I think it bears some truth though, but it's different in various ways for different people. Look at how many 'criteria' need to be filled for love, it's not often someone will meet them all. And of course, you could have both.
benneh said:
Generally i find that lust lasts for the first month or two (depending on how hot she is), after this comes love. It's the thing that keeps you together when you're both broke and neither fancies getting it on etc.

Lust is still going after four years. Score.

Wait...It must be love ;)

Anyway...To me, Love is any affection you have for someone. I feel nothing for almost everyone but there are a few people who I have love for. It can manifest in anything from being with someone who you want to be with for the rest of your life to a genuine love for a friend.

Lust is the cloth-ripping, skin-clawing, let's-see-what-happens-when-we-play-with-knives kind of me, a healthy relationship consists of both love and lust...the ratio between them may change but both should be evident.

benneh said:
Generally i find that lust lasts for the first month or two (depending on how hot she is), after this comes love. It's the thing that keeps you together when you're both broke and neither fancies getting it on etc.

I go with that too

love is when you cant be bothered to find someone else

or you think your very lucky to land the lass your with so you never dream of leaving

lol, nar, love is when your in physical pain whenever you miss that person... i guess... like you feel an ache around your heart area (chest) and all you want to do is to be in the same room as them....just to talk again and to cuddle and all that
I think penski's come closest for me so far.

Simply put:
Lust = "Phwooaarrrrr"
Love = "Siiggghhh"

If you aren't sure what love is, then you probably haven't felt it.

Falling in love is the most all-encompassing emotion ever. It's like a drug. You want to tell them constantly how amazing they are, how you feel about them, you get a tingle when you only think of them, you feel lucky that they could like you, you want their pleasure way above yours, you feel their pain, you revel in their happiness...
lust is a more selfish feeling than love.
If you love someone you want to do things for them even if it's not in your personal interest. Whereas lust, i think is just about gratifying yourself with someone.
One of the best descriptions I heard of what love is, or how you know you're in love was in the film Meet Joe Black when Joe asks Quincy, and Quincy replies:
"Its when you know their worst secret, and it doesnt matter"
penski said:
to me, a healthy relationship consists of both love and lust...the ratio between them may change but both should be evident.


fully agree, you dont stop lusting after someone once love kicks in :]
Mat said:
One of the best descriptions I heard of what love is, or how you know you're in love was in the film Meet Joe Black when Joe asks Quincy, and Quincy replies:
"Its when you know their worst secret, and it doesnt matter"

Thats rubbish that is.
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