low birthrates in Huichol Indians

6 Nov 2002
Brum, Brum, Brum, Brum....
the huichol indians allegedly....
"have a tradition during childbirth where the husband's testicles are tied to a rope, which is pulled by the labouring wife when she feels a painful contraction, to share the pain of childbirth"

hmm.....any takers? :eek:

from wikipedia
knowledge123 said:
That's the 2nd complaint I've had on it :(

What's wrong with it ?

(sorry OP for the thread derail)

np, theres nothing wrong with it, it scares some people because they dont realise they are giving out certain infomation, even though its freely available...check out google analytics for the other stuff you can pick up :eek:

any BOT.....balls Balls....:D
knowledge123 said:
That's the 2nd complaint I've had on it :(

What's wrong with it ?

(sorry OP for the thread derail)

Well, its displaying the wrong info for me for a start.... :p

bandit said:
have a tradition during childbirth where the husband's testicles are tied to a rope, which is pulled by the labouring wife when she feels a painful contraction, to share the pain of childbirth"

I don't believe you. Stop yanking my chain.

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