Low Profile Tyres in F1

1 Nov 2003
Maidstone, Kent

Been thinking about this for a while and can't seem to find a good answer, so I thought I'd ask here.

I'm not a petrol-head or speed-freak so I could be completely missing the point, anyway, here goes....

I always thought faster production-cars had low profile tyres to enable them to corner quicker and more precisely as there was less side-wall movement when turning sharply.

Touring Cars, for example, have low profile tyres for this reason.

Why is it then that F1 car tyres still seem to have fairly large side walls? Surely low profiles would allow faster cornering?

Thanks in advance.
doesnt stop them having low profile tyres though although it would look stupid. I have a feeling the tryes are something special. Hard enough to hold the corners apart from in America but soft enough to aid the suspension in soaking up any unwanteds on the track.
Hussman said:

Touring Cars, for example, have low profile tyres for this reason.

Touring cars have large wheel to give clearance for the large brakes, same as a tarmac spec WRC car. Smaller wheels would be preferable but the brakes would soon overheat.
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