Madden 06 (360) Anyone want a game?

19 Oct 2002
Not sure how many have this game on the 360, but if anyones up for a game. Add me to your friends list (MooseMoney)
Windle said:
Not sure how many have this game on the 360, but if anyones up for a game. Add me to your friends list (MooseMoney)
I'll add you Windle - don't know how good I'll be though!
Windle i have this game as well, havent played it much but at the mo im not on xbox live but hopefully by wed i will be as ill have a new LCD tv to play it on.

Once im connected up ill post back with my gamertag and ill have a game with u...altho i havent played it for awhile so ill probably be kinda crap at it:p.

EDIT: My gamertag is Yass360...feel free to add me but i wont be online till at least wed latest:).
Windle said:
Don't worry, i'm mince too :) Just had my first game online and got my rear end handed to me :) 43-7 :D
Sorry Windle - my GT is deSade5, I've already sent you a friends request, but I'll need to get Gold sorted again (I only had a 3 month one that's now expired).

I'll probably get that online later today - so let me know when you fancy a go. :)
Bah, my opponent quit my 2nd game. Was winning 17-3 in the 3rd quarter as well. :(

DeSade, if i'm online just send me a msg and if i'm not playing another online game i'll be up for it :) Should be on most evenings this week, same to you spawn. Just add me to friends and send me a msg when i'm online :)
Well i'm now on a 4 game losing streak :D

Will be on tonight if anyone fancies a game, will probably be playing Oblivion but give us a shout and i'll come onto Madden :)

Edit : Scrub that actually, Live is down till 11pm.
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