Majik - where are the stories?

I'm here dudes. Stories? Wow - I got a million of them.
I'll try and select just a couple to start with - it was one of those trips where every moment was a story in itself.
Friday night after the camp had finished, those of us that had stayed (about 30 of us) piled down to one of the local rock clubs in Louisville. Bear in mind here - we are talking 30 wrestlers. With 30 egos. Having been beasted all week by mean, mean men (and crash holly). There were about four 20 stone plus bodybuilders, and no-one was below six foot. Taking the lead from me and Pete, everyone was suited and booted too. So this is something just WAITING to happen.

We all got in as the WWE representative with us knew the manager, and drinks started flowing. And so did the accent. There were two brits, one Scot, a couple of Australians and a Canadian. We are talking totty central here too. Awesome 70s esque lit up dancefloor, and it seemed as though women were banned form hding their midrift in the state of Kentucky. Which, by the way, doesn't have the brightest of residents. So all in all, things were looking good for a great night out.

After a few dirnks some of us hit the dancefloor, and various fannys (I can say that - I was in the states and they didn't understand arse) were reversing into groins of our group left right and centre. Life was good.

We ground for a while, then went to the downstairs bar where aparently is was a bit wilder. And it was. Imagine the cheers bar, but doubled in size with no ring round the top - and every piece of totty in the place dancing on it, rotating. It was like a babe rotissary :) Guys were actually sitting there with an unopened bottle of beer, and waving it at the one they liked, who would then jump down and go and start chatting. Easy dating at it's best :) By this time we were getting right into it, and the girls with us (One bodybuilder and two fitness models - it was a hard week....) took the lead and jumped up on the bar too. The MC killed the music and announced that it was time for Fred...

Let me expain about Fred. Fred has the best job in the world. His job is to dance with the girls on the bar and try to get them to do various stuff. Fred is always drunk. And Fred is a dwarf.....

So out came Fred, was hoisted on to the bar and the music went off again. One very happy dwarf, being stepped round (Not so bad), ground round (Very nice - think of his height) and occassionally stepped over (dwarf + miniskirt=shocked looking dwarf). Then out of the shadows stepped "the unnamed one". Imagine Uma Thurman. Jet balck hair - svelt figure, sharp but attractice features - you get the idea. Oh, and she was 7 foot tall. Genuinely. I chatted to her for a bit (I'm 6 foot one) and it was all chest. Incredible woman - a lot of the guys were obviously repulsed, but you can't deny she was a sight to be seen.

One wrestler, who shall go unnamed, was sitting in the corner, a bit homesick and looking miserable. A girl was leaning against the wall next to him, also a bit glum. The girl kind of looked like a mid eighteenth centrury serving wench. All hip, chest and curly hair. Wrestler A leans over and says "Cheer up" . A conversation ensues....

The fourth sentence in this conversation was then "Would you cheer up if I showed you my *chest*" (Words have been replaced so I'm stil around...). The two disappear off, and wrestler A reappears ten minutes later looking MUCH happier.

And so the night continued. Dwarves, giants, beer, and women who had heard about the group of wrestlers in the club. We were honeypot-esque and there were many lonely blokes that night wondering why all the totty was in one place. Yes, we ruled....

SO we're sitting in Steak n SHake at 6am. Very drunk, but very happy. SOme guys were looking slightly worried and scratching their nether regions (Kentucky - lovely place....). We order a mountain of food - the bill comes to 450 dollars odd - at which point our WWE man calls the manager over, whips out some SMackdown tickets, which is in Louisville this week, and the food is free......

It was a taste of how the other half live. Popularity, free stuff, and midgets. Not the best story, but certainly a taste of what I did whilst over there. On to more wrestling related stories later.....

sounds ace mate :) keep em coming!

very interested to hear what the training and stuff was like? did you train with/meet any of the big shots?
Trained with the OVW boys such as Nick Dinsmore, Doug Basham and Rob Conway (you'l know who these guys are staright after wrestlemania - theres some inside news for you!).

Crash Holly, Bradshaw (BIG dude) and Sgt. Slaughter all trained us at various points during the week. A load of the tough enough guys n girls were there, such as Jackie Gayda and Linda Miles, Chris Nowinski, Chris from Tough Enough 1 who I had my tryout match with, and Big Jag from TE2. Nova was there obviously, Chris Daniels, Matt Morgan (All 7 foot of him), Kanyon and the rest of the oVW crew.

We were trained by Danny Davis, Jim Cornette and Dr. Tom Pritchard (Body Donnas people :) ).

It was conditioning for most of the week, plus basic bumps and so on. We all cut promos in the promo room - which I'd like to get ont ape as I tore a strip off Smooth Johnny Spade to the point where Rob Conway had to leave the room for laughing.

We hit the tape room a few times and critically analysed a few matches with Nick Dinsmore and Rip Rogers, which was one hell of an experience.

Oh, and I shared a hot tub with fitness models and female bodybuilders all week. Just in case i hadn't mentioned that....

Basically, trianing was intense and hard, but I learnt one hell of a lot form the US style, and Basham even had me teching him a few things about the ruopean style. If he hits a certain reversal when he arrives in WWE next month I am not going to be happy!

I'll think of some more interesting and scandalous stories as the day goes on....

Depends how reliable the cheque is for a pic featuring an Australian fitness model in a bikini, a 5 foot one American female badybuilding champion who hasn't lost her looks through the gear, and a sports fitness model with abs you could nuzzle for hours...........ahem - sorry went off on one then. Oh, and ofcourse, Jackie Gayda...mmmmmmm.

I'm awaiting a phonecall from the WWE and OVW basically. They are reviwing the tapes and chatting about me, then they'll come to some kind of decision and let me know if they have anything to offer me.

Funniest moment of the week was without a doubt from Elijah. We were all pretty nervous about our tryout matches, but had managed to calm down enough to put on a good show. We weren't in full wrestling gear, just trianing stuff. Elijah is in the ring, being the good guy, against his montrous opponent who is dominating him completely. Elijah begins his comeback - punches out of a hold, hits the ropes at speed, intent on flying towards his much larger oponent to take him down, when his tracky bottoms decide to give way and hit the floor in comical fashion down to his ankles. Stagger, trip fall. His opponent, a good 20 stones of muscle, collapses from laughter and Elijah fumbles for his kecks. His opponent hits the florr, Elijah leaps over, garbs a handful of tights rolls the guy up for a 1-2-3 pinfall win!!!!

That is how to think on your feet - even when your trousers are round your ankles.

It took about ten minutes for everyone to regain control. About 30 of us couldn't stop laughing and one guy threw up for cramps.



There ya go Mr Pitch - the very sexy Rob Conway (And very orange) blowing you a kiss in his best pulling hat. Now calm yourself down.... :)


Nick Dinsmore - "See how small this beard is comared to mine???"

Me - "Yeah Nick, you're right. But look where I'm pointing, stumpy....."

Expect to see Nick in WWE in the next two months...

You hear about / meet a guy called Glen Chabot? Supposed to be coming into WWE sometime soon. The man is STRONG, benches over 700lbs!!!
Glen? Hmm..not really. COuld have known him under his gimmick name though. There were some seriously strong guys there - particuarly Paul.E.Normous and Beast.

Think his nickname is gonna be The House of Pain. Was gonna debut recently but had to pull out.... the wuss tore his pec trying a RAW 725lb bench :p
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