Making the perfect melted cheese for Nacho's - I'm useless

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
I quite often visit Mexxa Mexxa to eat their excellent Nacho’s; however after a while i started thinking, 'Wait a second I could do this a lot cheaper'. So a few weeks ago i went out a brought all the ingredients. Filled a tray with nacho's and sliced/grated cheese and bunged it in the over for a few minutes.

When i took the tray out, the cheese had gone hard and crispy and stuck to the bottom. I've tried several different ways, reduced cooking times, microwaving instead of using the oven, but i still can't get decent melted cheese like at Mexxa Mexxa.

Anyone figured out how to do it? Cos I feel like a right idiot.
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What cheese are you using? Try getting some Monterey Jack cheese as that'll probably be what they use :)
oven on
put natchos in oven
take out after 5or so mins
put cheese (mozerella grated on top)
put whatever else

job done.
Place nachos on a plate.

slice some cheese up in a bowl. Microwave in 1 min bursts, keep pouring the cheese until it's fully melted.

Pour over nachos, leave to cool slightly, and then eat.
Rich_L said:
What cheese are you using? Try getting some Monterey Jack cheese as that'll probably be what they use :)
The man knows his cheese, this is the one to go for on nachos, with plenty of pepers and hot sauce.
seconded monteray jack cheese!

If you cant find any I use a mixture of mozzarella and cheshire cheese! Mozzarella is just not quiet right for nachos - ps Ive been to mexico :p
may i be the first to say...... USE SOME MUSTARD! its the same colour and has a whole load more flava! :p

Just get an Old El Passo Nacho kit :p

Layer of nachos, nacho sauce, grated cheese, layer of nachos, sauce, cheese.

Bung it in the oven for 5 minutes.

I just use strong cheddar when I make nachos.
wyrdo said:
Just get an Old El Passo Nacho kit :p

Layer of nachos, nacho sauce, grated cheese, layer of nachos, sauce, cheese.

Bung it in the oven for 5 minutes.

I just use strong cheddar when I make nachos.

thats all well and good but dont you thing a bit of mustard would give them nachos some edge :cool:

Get yourself to Morrisons, they do a really nice cheese that's got bits of chillies in it and melts really easily. I've not tried it on Nachos but it's superb for cheese on toast :p
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