MalwareBytes says everyone is afraid of the Internet

1 Apr 2014

About the report...
The wonders of the internet are matched only by its risks. Viruses, hackers, identity theft, and credit card fraud. And then there’s the slew of threats to privacy and well-being, like leaked photos, cyberbullying, and reputational damage.

This year, Malwarebytes conducted research into the public’s attitudes and behaviors around cybersecurity and online privacy, asking teenagers, adults, parents, and non-parents in North America about cyberthreats, emerging technologies, location tracking, and more.

What we found surprised us:

Everyone’s afraid of the internet. That may sound like an overstatement, but the research validates this fear and shows that our online behaviors (or lack thereof) are often at odds with ensuring our safety. It’s clear through the research that there is a critical need for education on how to protect ourselves in an ever-evolving online world.

I think most people on this forum are sufficiently savvy to fall outside the report's findings, but it's still alarming how blasé people are. They know the dangers yet do very little.

Of my peer group I think I put the most online but I do take considerable precautions, like enabling 2FA where possible.
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