Manchester Bombing *** Please remain respectful and refrain from antagonising posts ***

Hope the those injured recover quickly.

I don't suppose my condolence are helpful to those murdered but my thoughts are with the families.
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So it seems that pic was genuine after all.

This has knocked me back quite a bit. I feel different about this one. I feel totally sickened.
Absolutely terrible news, brought a tear listening to the stories on the radio driving into work this morning.

Of course the rhetoric will now come from the powers above but really I'm not optimistic that a lot can be done. We are fighting an ideology, a belief that doesn't rely on borders or geography to survive, so how far as a society are we willing to go to tackle this?
I don't see Christians and Jews strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up children.
At 12:37 the bombs detonated, ripping the entire building apart and killing 91 people, the majority of them civilians, including 17 Jews.

In Westminster, British prime minister Clement Atlee described the attack as “an insane act of terrorism” and labeled its mastermind Menachem Begin, a Jewish terrorist. (Begin later went on to form the Likud political party, and served as the sixth prime minister of Israel from 1977 to 1983.)

In his recently published book “Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle For Israel 1917-1947,” author Bruce Hoffman — a terrorism analyst, who was once a scholar-in-residence for counterterrorism at the CIA — claims that the bombing of the King David Hotel, even 69 years later, remains one of the most infamous acts of terrorism the world has ever seen.
As above, if this is lone wolf, what can be done really other than something hugely draconian?

A change to our unconditional tolerance of a certain religion which has failed to integrate would be a good place to start. If this individual is home grown there will be many within the community who were aware of his intentions, or at the least in the position to express prior concern of the behaviour of said individual to the authorities.
Absolutely awful scenes, if anything I hope that security is reviewed for future events like this. My thoughts are with the victims families. :(
A change to our unconditional tolerance of a certain religion which has failed to integrate would be a good place to start. If this individual is home grown there will be many within the community who were aware of his intentions, or at the least in the position to express prior concern of the behaviour of said individual to the authorities.
Terrorism worked out nicely for the jews and the likud political party....
RIP to all the victims. Awful news to wake up to. Also spare a thought for the people maimed and everyone in that arena who had to witness such a horrifying event.
A lot of lives have been affected.
:( This sucks. What a horrendous attack, made worse by the fact the target was an event where most were quite young.

It was only a matter of time, I hope it's the last but you know it won't be. Let's not back down and let it deter us from living our lives though.
Woke up this morning to this, sad to hear. Are they classing children as anyone under 16 or actual children in this? One thing I will say is Sky News seem to be scraping the barrel with their 'fulltime' coverage, they literally kept cutting between people stood either side of the same police cordon this morning for none existent updates.
That's it. We need to take a page out of the V for Vendetta book. Anybody with any hint of involvement, support or even just slightest of terrorist sympathy should get their doors kicked down in the night, a bag over the head and be removed from the face of the earth.

Also as usual we get the disgusting ***** in here making excuses and even one scumbag trying to blame the attack on the torys?! WHAT HE HELL IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE

Can we ban this piece of **** please.
I feel like I can predict the rest of todays events

GMP will issue a statement saying the suspect was know to the intelligence community
Teresa May will give a speech strongly condemning the attack

Question, what lessons did we learn from the last terror attack, or even the one before that?

What can actually be done to prevent this from happening again?

Cobra will meet several times.

The attacker will be 'known' to intelligence agencies.

May will critise the WhatsApp for it encryption.

A strong and stable statement will be issued.

Terrorism & hate will never win people will live their lives with freedoms and peace.


There will be an indepth investigation into the person by the media once their name is released - 90% of what's reported for the first few hours will be completely incorrect
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