I'm not sure there is anything constructive about playing guess the unit of the scary looking military blokes - but what were you basing this comment on:
"they seem to be working alongside guys from 2 PARA quite likely from some unit within 16 Air Assault" if not the photos of other soldiers clearly from 2PARA deployed in London?
I was hoping someone would chime in who actually knew something rather than just sniping.
As per my edit above was somewhere in the footage over the last couple of days - I'm not just basing it on that though - the Ops-core stuff isn't generally issued AFAIK outside of the parachute regiment/16 air assault and the bulk of the primary operators of the L119 are specialist units within the same.
EDIT: Hmm not found that bit but flicking back through some of the videos from about the same segment there are guys with the same equipment but dark blue/black dress underneath in the style of SO19.
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