Masonic Symbols

Probably a lodge emblem, you are reading far too much into it as in fact do most people, the masons are not an evil secret society that are going to steal your babies. They are just a rather large and succesfull Gentlemens society, thats it nothing sinister about them at all, in fact they are the second largest giver to charities after the national lottery I believe at present.

Besides they only steal adults nowadays, baby snatching is so last century.
Sable, on a chevron two roses in chief in base a golden fleece argent , a serpent nowed reversed of the first

..well I think that is what it is roughly. Though what all the meanings are is beyond me. The chevron symbolises protection in heraldry and was used for a few different reasons. This is assuming it was created sticking to the rules of heraldry.
On the night of the twin stars, the Serpent shall uncoil and the Lamb be offered as sacrifice to the New World. And thus shall the Order be complete and Eden rebuilt.
The penalty for a member revealing their secrets is a "slit throat" according to the initiation ceremony. But I think a lot of lodges have now removed this line from the procedings.

I would say they do a lot of good but it is still an old boys network and their are benefits to be had from being in it. My Uncle is a mason btw.
It's actually a symbol for ~J~

The two roses indicate the Yorkshire Rose. The hung fleece is from "Jason" and the golden fleece, and the rather large snake is, ahem, well you know how it is boys ;)
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